
Well-Known Member
Now then chaps, my disco is my toy and not my daily, but need to keep it road legal, now iv got the dash out at min to do heater matrix and sort some wiring out,

Ive been thinking of altering the dash and basically not having one at pass side as all thats ther eis glove box and grab handle, so not really needed, so would make something for my guages and switches, and leave the speedo etc where they are.

my question is do we know of any rules/regs VOSA/MOT etc that say you need a dash board or something there in place?

Series motors dont have much of one, and stripped out trackday cars dont have one, just the switches/dials required..

so any ideas?
Nope, doesn't matter mate, as long as you still have all the necessaries (switches, warning lights etc) then you're fine (I can't think of any reason why I would fail it anyway).

only thing i can think of is sharp edges in the case of an accident, i remember watching one of mark evans videos (guy that did the 100" defender), and im sure he did a kit car that had to have all dome head bolts etc incase you had an accident to restrict injury etc
Leave it with me mate, I'll have a look through the computer today and see if I can find any RfR's, as I say I can't think of any off the top of my head. As far as I can remember there's two fails for sharp edges, due to corrosion and due to damage (yours is neither), and relates to the outer bodywork and passers by injuring themselves.

Will double check and confirm for you mate.

Cheers, Ste.
Just had a good look on the computer mate, can't find any RfR that might cause you any problems. Tester might put a manual advisory on it maybe but that's all.

Cheers, Ste.
only thing i can think of is sharp edges in the case of an accident, i remember watching one of mark evans videos (guy that did the 100" defender), and im sure he did a kit car that had to have all dome head bolts etc incase you had an accident to restrict injury etc

the dome heads etc were for the SVA test, much more stringent than the MOT, youd be surprised at what you can get away with for the MOT
the mot tests things that are there and need to be working/in good order

they dont inspect the vehicle buld/assembly and/or test things that arent there,which is handy :D

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