Looking to buy a 90 pickup , on checking mot history ..advisory "Rear Vehicle structure is corroded but structural rigidity is not significantly reduced Back panel" …….How bad is that ..? is it one to avoid , bare in mind this will be my first land rover and I am no mechanic..
Best to have a look underneath yourself and make a educated judgement as to what you want to take on, but considering it's been flagged it's bound to have some other crust under there aswell..

Take a hammer too..
A torch too.
And tap the chassis and various points you want a nice "ring" if you like..

No thuds ;)
That'all be the rear cross member then.

New one is a couple of hundred quid, another few quid to get it welded on.
Rust is a standard feature isn't it? That advisory sounds like it's just surface rust but have a poke around. Check the bulkhead too especially the areas to each end from inside the engine bay.
I think practically every landy I looked at before I bought mine had that sort advisory on it.
Have a good butchers underneath and as said above, make an educated decision.

Mrs BN’s dad bought a defender tipper recently, oh my the rust warnings on that mot history eeeek. It had all been repaired in time though so he is fairly satisfied.
The mot's on my s3 have been saying that since Ive had it. It just the mot man using a general term to cover himself.

Mine hasn't had a single advisory in all its MOTs :D
It's only had 3 but that's besides the point ..
I've only had 2 MOTs on my 27yr old D1, get a poxy advisory every MOT though, not for anything like rust but because my Disco was converted to a commercial vehicle in it's lifetime in Belgium and only has 2 seats, 3 door mind with an ally bulkhead behind the front seats but for some strange reason I get the "rear seat belts not present at time of test" advisory even though there is no way to fit the seats ( at present anyways), pizzes me right off, but so long as that's all there is to worry about then I should be happy.

Failed the last one on a ball joint and where I hadn't set the lock stops properly after pulling the swivel housings about the fronts were rubbing the radius arms on full lock.

If I fail the next one after all the work I've done on it I'm going to be major league pizzed off.
I've only had 2 MOTs on my 27yr old D1, get a poxy advisory every MOT though, not for anything like rust but because my Disco was converted to a commercial vehicle in it's lifetime in Belgium and only has 2 seats, 3 door mind with an ally bulkhead behind the front seats but for some strange reason I get the "rear seat belts not present at time of test" advisory even though there is no way to fit the seats ( at present anyways), pizzes me right off, but so long as that's all there is to worry about then I should be happy.

Failed the last one on a ball joint and where I hadn't set the lock stops properly after pulling the swivel housings about the fronts were rubbing the radius arms on full lock.

If I fail the next one after all the work I've done on it I'm going to be major league pizzed off.

Weird, I never got one when I removed the rear seats out my disco
I tend to get stupid advisory’s like wipers or a bulb

My MOT man said VOSA get suspicious if elderly vehicles pass with flying colours every year - not sure how true that is or not - but he said it’s good to fail or pick up advisories now and again as that’s more ‘real world’ *shrugs*
I tend to get stupid advisory’s like wipers or a bulb

My MOT man said VOSA get suspicious if elderly vehicles pass with flying colours every year - not sure how true that is or not - but he said it’s good to fail or pick up advisories now and again as that’s more ‘real world’ *shrugs*

I can see the logic in that, some time things can be a bit to perfect and that`s when the alarm bells start ringing,
I can see the logic in that, some time things can be a bit to perfect and that`s when the alarm bells start ringing,

That’s exactly what he said, ‘bit to perfect’ he has failed mine once in 6 years on a cracked tyres, and I get advisories every other year for something random and easily sorted - like a bulb etc.
IMHO there should be more control over advisory comments. Perhaps things that were a borderline pass this time but will need attention before the next MOT.

I've seen lots (when looking to buy) that have stuff like 'general underbody corrosion' - show me any vehicle over 10 years old that doesn't have any! Mine had a clean MOT before I bought it but I found that the hazards weren't working - OK they might have been working when it was tested but it makes you wonder, as I have found corrosion on the bulkhead but I guess it's not anything to affect the MOT.
IMHO there should be more control over advisory comments. Perhaps things that were a borderline pass this time but will need attention before the next MOT.

I've seen lots (when looking to buy) that have stuff like 'general underbody corrosion' - show me any vehicle over 10 years old that doesn't have any! Mine had a clean MOT before I bought it but I found that the hazards weren't working - OK they might have been working when it was tested but it makes you wonder, as I have found corrosion on the bulkhead but I guess it's not anything to affect the MOT.

It is good to know about things like that. You might be able to treat and paint it, or at least to know that the vehicle was coming to the end of it's economic life.

Testers like to put an advisory or two on the system, it lets the Ministry know they are actually looking at the vehicle.
I get advisory notes about there being plastic covers on the injun. Just like there is supposed to be.:confused:
I get advisory notes about there being plastic covers on the injun. Just like there is supposed to be.:confused:

Yeah I get them about oil leaks, I thought they were meant to happen.

But seriously that’s the tester just covering his arse
I get advisory notes about there being plastic covers on the injun. Just like there is supposed to be.:confused:

They are saying they can't see what is under there, so if a belt snaps or a massive oil leak causes a fire, they have done their best.

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