
New Member
I am a regular reader on this forum and was struggling to think of which part on these range rover had not been mentioned as either a break down or plain unreliable- or just pants.
I thought it may be the windscreen wipers, but i could be wrong...
anyone else think of the most reliable mechanical part on these cars?
the hinge and holding mechanism that keeps the bonnet up, i don't think it has ever bee mentioed as defective!!!

maybe one of the mods could run a statisics check and list them in most mentioned order ??? i.e

window winder = 70 threads
rear tailgate wiper = 49 threads

of course that method only counts threads started and not actual people who have had the defect but it would give a minimum amout of times the problem has occurred!!!
The NUT that holds the steering wheel.

We just seem to keep on coming back for more!

Happy holidays everybody.

the knob on the steering wheel,( i know its after market , but i have had it all the time ive had range rovers, nearly 15 years now)
by the way its not the person behind the steering wheel.(they like me give loads of problems)
The cigarette lighter?? Not that I smoke but its worked everytime Ive needed to use it.

-Wills :)
How about the sunroof? interior light switches? rear window heater? anyone had problems with these?
Sunroof sticks.heated rear window wire has degraded and perished.That means it dont wok and it affects radio reception.Interior lights seem ok.

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