
New Member
hi ,me and my brothers and some of the kids{teenagers}are looking into doing the morrocan jaunt.weve looked at some of the organized tours but these seem expensive to say you use your own vehicle.how difficult would it be to do this on our own and what obsticles will we run into if any..
we are looking to go in october 2009 which gives time to save.there will be six of us 3 adults ,3teens,and 2 vehicles,1disco r reg basic road car and 1 110 fully loaded except winch.any advice would be greatly received.
:) :p :D
Doing Morocco on your own doesnt seem to present any major challenges. If your familiar with foreign customs etc and have previously travelled/driven abroad then you are most of the way there. I too feel like the commercial companies are taking the **** in the amount they charge to take people, i understand they also provide a service and an easy holiday, but dont people get enjoyiment from trawling maps and planning routes? is it just me?

main questions you need to ask yourself are:

how much time in Morocco do you want/have?
how much offroad/piste driving do you want to partake in?

allow yourself the best part of a week to travel to Morocco then the rest of the time can be spent incountry. the question of piste driving or not is a personel one and one which will eat up loads of your planning time and may even see you preparing your vehicle for longer. If you just want to stick to dusty roads and tarmac then not much planning is needed. I suggest obtaining a copy of michelin map 0742. Its a large scale map which shows the length of the country including western sahara. here you can plan your route and places you want to visit.

If you want to do some piste driving then i suggest getting a copy of Chris Scott's sahara overland. i think there are 12 routes in there all across Morocco, mainly concerntrated in the southeast/east of the country. If you have a Garmin GPS then Tracks4 africa are a good start: Tracks4Africa - Mapping Africa, one day at a time if you have google earth, you can look at these for free :)

a free vector map can also be obtained from here: GPS Vector Map Morocco

the 4x4 forums are absolute crap on this kind of info for various countries, most of the info is dated and hard to get out of people (dont know why) i found these guys really helpful and piste updates are regular: Morocco and NW Africa - ::. UKGS'er.com .::

on the subject of navigation/GPS, waypoints for campsites etc. are here:

GPS waypoints
AfricaRevealed - GPS coordinates

Most of the info is out there, you just have to search long and hard depending on what you want to achieve.

Just make sure your vehicles are very well serviced and your cooling system is in top shape. Make sure you can get a green card from your insurance company. Make sure all your documents check out, your driving license address should be the same as the V5 AND insurance docs etc.

cant think of any other general info right now, if there is anything specific, just ask... although i may not know!

The good thing about Morrocco is that you don't need a VISA unlike other countries in that area.

Its about 1500 miles (from London) so when we are aiming to get to Morroco in 4 days tops (its only 24 hours solid driving, so doubled it for being in a series landie and only driving 12 hours a day, which we normally do a bit more than anyway).

As you are going after me, I am happy to give some first hand experience once we have been about a bit in Morrocco :)
*edit* just so you know, the people that set off on the organised African Rally got to Morocco in 3 days :)
ferry to northern spain. 1 and 1/2 days driving, cross into Africa in the afternoon. Tecnically, you obtain your visa on arrival but dont have to pay for it.

Just got back from morocco drove from London to ferry in Spain in 48hrs but was tiring. And didnt expect such a tough time with border at Tangier. After 101 questions got on to have a great week there want to go back in 2009 but with a different vehicle my Td5 Disco kept making me nervous with M&S lights and ACE lights all things that never gave a problem at all in UK.
I was in Morocco in March last year.
Drove from Norway with my 12 yrs son. :)

If you contact me via pm or email i will send you the itinary.
Its no problem... just dont go alone.

Watch out for the kids throwing rocks car :)

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