Sorry, I've been away for three weeks in India! Lots and lots of Tata trucks there... :)

Ryder: will PM you

ed.poore: I don't think I want to make it later, as it gets hot :)

StuntmanAd: I have some thoughts on routes, but don't really like it at the moment. I'm also not sure how many pistes to throw in there.

The route I'm considering:

Drive through europe, cross at Gibralter: 3 days
Drive to Fes and explore (last minute purchases and repairs): 2 days
MH2: 2 days
MH4: 1 day
Hwy to start of MS4
MS4 + MS6: 3 days (desert camping)
Hwy to start of MH10
MH10: 1 day
Hwy to Marakesh (via MH12) with stop at Telouet (explore, repair, rest): 2 days
R203 (Tizi'n'Test) + MA7: 1 day
Drive back to Europe: 3 days

I would of course appreciate input on this, it's FAR from final.... mostly just me connecting up routes on the map with places I want to see, with a couple of the harder routes avoided and nicer routes inserted. It seems to be an 18 day journey and if we take up the start/end weeked of a 3 week trip then you have 23 days to play with, so there's some wriggle room. It would be nice to see Chefchaouen too, I'm told that's really nice. I'm not too concerned personally though, as I know I'm coming back through Morocco later.

My mother (who seems to be the person likely to join me) would like to spend some time in Spain as would another person who mailed me, so I'm thinking about taking a couple days out of this itinerary and adding 4-5 days in Spain on the way back. If somebody is interested in 2 weeks instead of 3, then that could work for them as they could just head straight home instead.

I would appreciate comments from anybody with experience!

- Andrew
StuntmanAd: I have some thoughts on routes, but don't really like it at the moment. I'm also not sure how many pistes to throw in there

Go for as many as possible! Also find your long as they are heading in the general direction you are aiming for thats all good :)
Due to changes in my vacation dates available, I'm now thinking of taking two weeks now and just going to the Pyrenees instead... leaving Morocco for September/October.

- Andrew
You can do Morocco in 2 weeks...I did it in 17 days in my Series and saw plenty :)

Hmmm.... I figured with 2 days to get there and 2 days to get back, that leaves, at most, 12 days for Morocco itself. In general I've found that I really don't liked rushing around during my vacations so I'm thinking that's not enough. I'll have to think it over.

- Andrew
Might be of interest to you. On May the first we will be traveling to Morocco, Dover-Dunkirk, down through France, Spain then over to Morocco. Traveling down the coast then across towards the Algerian boarder, back up to the Med, Spain etc. Unfortunatly, there are enough Cars going. now the bit that may be of interest. My Partner cannot come, due to her daughter being about to give Birth sometime in April. So there's a spare seat in my Series 2a. The person leading the expedition has been doing it for many years and this will be his last trip. If your interested I can send you more details by Email
Hi folks, i am planning a 16day trip to morocco and was wondering if any of you who've been before would be kind enough to tell me what insurances you took out and where did you get it.
Bows, go get lots of books out from your local library (if there is one left). There is one fantastic book called Africa Overland, has a picture of a G wagon on the front driving along a sandy road. I am reading it atm, very informative. One day I'll get to go on an overland trip :)
Hi Im new on this forum but hope to make another trip to southern morocco in nov/dec 2011. Am looking for one or two other vehicles if anyone is interested. Am flexible about routes but would be keen to be off tarmac as much as possible and camp only. Expect to be away about three weeks but again flexible on this also. Hope to hear from anyone who is interested.
Hi Just got back after spending May in Morocco.
A few prices for you/
France fuel (diesel) is around 1E 35 to 1e 55 depending on where you buy.
Spain about 1E 20 so just over a pound a liter/
Morocco, about 58 to 60p per liter, take Jerry cans and fill them up for the trip through france. Ifilled up for 630 diriams paid in Euro's 63 so 86 ish liters 19 (tank and cans)gallons was reasonable lol.
Visit the hyper Market before you leave Spain, stock up on Booze, (costs more in Morocco than in Harrods)

Ferry to Tanger Med, small office to the left of Carrefour in Algerceries at the end of the overflow car park a very reasonable £248 open return.
Fill all the forms in first then see the Customs man on the Boat, don't do this and you'll have problems.
You will get Hassle in Spain at the port, the only officals are the ones behind the desks, anyone else maybe trying to get money from you for sweet FA.
we were there for 4 weeks, not long enough, we all agreed next time 6 weeks plus.
Blogs here.


Thanks to Steve for all the effort in keeping the Blog even when it was impossible to get a signal and Micheal for the picture's.

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