Booger, got the disks, thanks again ;)


No worries, let me know if you have any issues ;)

Just re-read your report, trying to get some idea what you ate, but there is not too much mention of that. How much local food did you eat, and how much did you cook yourself, and do we want to stay away from the meat in the local shops, or is it okay ?
No worries, let me know if you have any issues ;)

Just re-read your report, trying to get some idea what you ate, but there is not too much mention of that. How much local food did you eat, and how much did you cook yourself, and do we want to stay away from the meat in the local shops, or is it okay ?

we ate almost exclusively local :) take things you cannot get there, english tea, ketchup, nutella, marmite (if you like it!) etc. then some emergency tins, dried pasta in packets that sort of stuff. we bought meat from local butchers (same price as here really), veggies from the market (really cheap). then often roadside cafe's. some bad omlettes were had, they dont seem to cook them! but you can leave them, they only cost 30p!

One think i will say is, dont be afraid to stop at the side of the road where it looks like they are cooking meat on thin long BBQ's. these "brochette's" are awesome! we hesistated for the 1st week, but before long we were sitting outside with the locals smashing down brochette's and chips (£4) :) this was some of the best food we encountered. Tagine's are over-rated, but nice enough. local soup in the Atlas is fantastic. I wouldnt take much of your own stuff because i think you will miss out on interacion with the locals. Its easy to drive all day, set-up camp and not speak to anyone. take your time, stop, speak to locals, and the kids (They only want to learn english) eat local food at local places and hopefully someone will be kind enough to invite you into their home. An experience not to be missed! even if you dont share a common language.

Hey Rich,

Hows the wagon going ?

I aim to be finished mine by the end of feb, and I was thinking a shakedown trip early March, maybe North Wales, put some miles under the bumper, make sure nothing falls off. Also stay in a camp site 1 night, possible wild camping second night, make sure we have all the stuff we need. And obviously do some lanes on the Sat.

So are you keen, and do you know where the hell we can go, because I don't have a clue ?

If it happens we can open it up to whoever else wants to come.
I have just read through this thread, looks like a lot of prep time being applied, so nice to read all the advice thats being offered... So how many vehicles taking part then and Booger it does not state if you are travelling on your own or with passengers yet...
Hey Rich,

Hows the wagon going ?

I aim to be finished mine by the end of feb, and I was thinking a shakedown trip early March, maybe North Wales, put some miles under the bumper, make sure nothing falls off. Also stay in a camp site 1 night, possible wild camping second night, make sure we have all the stuff we need. And obviously do some lanes on the Sat.

So are you keen, and do you know where the hell we can go, because I don't have a clue ?

If it happens we can open it up to whoever else wants to come.

Going ok, not much done to it since i last updated. It will be roadworthy soon as i patch up this last bit, will have a stab at it in a minuit actually. I am realy looking foward to driving it, the P38 is lovely, but i miss my truck. :D

I already told Simon and Emma i was going to do a trip to the lake district for esactly the same reasons. I do know a good green lane route around the well knowen Strata Florida area in central wales though. DiscoJamz knows it better, hes got it all marked up on memorymap. It is traditional to camp on top of a mountain, as the first time we went, thats where we broke down. :rolleyes: The second time we broke down in a river, but we dident camp there. :eek:

I also know a good lane route around the Lakes, its a bit less chalanging than Wales and more rocky, i dident want to ruin the truck around wales befor it has to take on 4000 odd miles. Better views in the lakes too. Also i wanted to take the Husky, Kayak and BBQ (Febuary but hey...) and genraly mess about for the weekend, the lakes are better for this.

And i know a route around the Peak District, abit closer than the lakes and different to wales. Probaly less chalanging than eather of the others, except for one lane where you will scrape your diffs. :eek:

Wales would be cheaper on fuel and less road miles, the lake district would be best once we got there, but i dont think the peak district would be as good as eather of the others.

I have just read through this thread, looks like a lot of prep time being applied, so nice to read all the advice thats being offered... So how many vehicles taking part then and Booger it does not state if you are travelling on your own or with passengers yet...

I think Booger and I are the only definates, Carpy will hopfully come, and my old man will come if he can get hold of a 'rough n ready' wagon by then. Im looking at tdi discos and 3.0TD Hilux Surfs for him, i think the toyota would be better as the disco would need more mods. 4x4s are selling for a fortune atm though because of this snow.
Going ok, not much done to it since i last updated. It will be roadworthy soon as i patch up this last bit, will have a stab at it in a minuit actually. I am realy looking foward to driving it, the P38 is lovely, but i miss my truck. :D

I already told Simon and Emma i was going to do a trip to the lake district for esactly the same reasons. I do know a good green lane route around the well knowen Strata Florida area in central wales though. DiscoJamz knows it better, hes got it all marked up on memorymap. It is traditional to camp on top of a mountain, as the first time we went, thats where we broke down. :rolleyes: The second time we broke down in a river, but we dident camp there. :eek:

I also know a good lane route around the Lakes, its a bit less chalanging than Wales and more rocky, i dident want to ruin the truck around wales befor it has to take on 4000 odd miles. Better views in the lakes too. Also i wanted to take the Husky, Kayak and BBQ (Febuary but hey...) and genraly mess about for the weekend, the lakes are better for this.

And i know a route around the Peak District, abit closer than the lakes and different to wales. Probaly less chalanging than eather of the others, except for one lane where you will scrape your diffs. :eek:

Wales would be cheaper on fuel and less road miles, the lake district would be best once we got there, but i dont think the peak district would be as good as eather of the others.


Brilliant, well you organise shakedown trip, cause they all sound cool, especially camping on the mountain :D

Obviously I can only leave Friday 6pm and need to be back Sunday PM, so if you can do that, or start then (I can come back early if you want to stay longer) that would be great. It will be good to meet your mates and we can finalise planning.

Dog friendly trip also sounds cool :)

MeetWithDamien I have someone who wants to come, but they may not have the 1000 squids it will cost, so who knows ?
PS. If you like lamb shanks let me cook, I'm bringing my Potjie (Pot)

Cant take everything can we?! :)

although... If you made a hinged handle, Im sure you could fit it in!

Just remember wood is pretty scarce and you see the locals (female) trekking miles for it. Dont take their wood! we picked up a bag or charcoal in Spain and used that. Not the best, but the locals get to keep their own :)

Cant take everything can we?! :)

although... If you made a hinged handle, Im sure you could fit it in!

Just remember wood is pretty scarce and you see the locals (female) trekking miles for it. Dont take their wood! we picked up a bag or charcoal in Spain and used that. Not the best, but the locals get to keep their own :)


Thanks for the tip, I'll leave the locals "wood" well alone :D

This will upset the purists, but I'm actually going to try the potjie with my MSR Drangonfly liquid feul stove, it's throtlable and should do the job nicely, also saves continually making coals to put under the pot.
Im going to sell my lightweight next year and the next project will be a sankey trailer conversion :) looking forward to it!

Andrew, in your Excel spreadsheet, did you assume £0.58 a liter for fuel EU side too? At that price i will bring my jag tank too and top up in Morocco prior to entering Spain for the run back.
Andrew, in your Excel spreadsheet, did you assume £0.58 a liter for fuel EU side too? At that price i will bring my jag tank too and top up in Morocco prior to entering Spain for the run back.

Well Spotted, I changed the spreadsheet so that the run from Bilbao to Algeciras uses the Spanish rate, about 85p per litre. For the return run it still uses the Moroccon Rate as I'm sure we leave Morocco with Jerry Cans, Cups, Flasks, and upside down hats all full of diesel.

Have e mailed it again.
Certainly within the EU you are only "supposed" to have fuel in fixed tanks that form part of the vehicle when you cross borders.

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