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I'm planning to go Morocco Feb/March next year, (Griff you input on Morocco that time of year will be welcome) I will go alone if I have to, but think it would be a hoot if I could get a couple more vehicles...

I know Rich & Carpy are keen on the general idea, but wether we can all co-ordinate the same dates is another story, I kind of have to go by March.

So this is a general enquiry, is anyone keen ?? and would they be ready by Feb/March, if there are any takers we can meet up and discuss further !
I'm planning to go Morocco Feb/March next year, (Griff you input on Morocco that time of year will be welcome) I will go alone if I have to, but think it would be a hoot if I could get a couple more vehicles...

Went down to Morocco last year on my motorbike in March, (mid to late march) Caught the end of the rainy seasion so everything is very green and lush, In some photos it looks like like China then Morocco. I was the support vehicle for a bike going further south through africa, So i had to do it on a Sports bike.

There is a toll highroad that runs down the west coast, But if you really want to see the sights and the 'real' Morocco head down the East side, The roads are okay (good enough for me on a sports motorbike), But you will be driving round windy mountain roads which take some time to get around, You spend a bit of time covering the same land twice as the roads snake around hills and mountains. We got caught out trying to go from shef suan (spelling is aweful, the mountain town north east) to the Capital, We thought we could clear the distance in a day as we had cleared almost double it in a day coming through Spain, Stupidly we failed to realise just how long and difficult it would be through the mountains and got caught out in the dark which was very dodgy, especially for two motorcycles.

Petrol is interesting too, Very cheap, But also Very ****, Unleaded (super plom as they call it) can be hard to come by, Everything out there runs on Diesel. Something to consider for the petrol boys. Also, If you do go to the capital parking can be an issue. We found it was a good idea to slip somebody a bit of cash in order to guaranty parking in a safe location and with the right people so you didnt come back and find your **** nicked. Keep spare petrol in your hotel room.

Any other questions just ask.
may be a little too early for me i think, by april i could have the tent and the like sorted, and a bit of cash togetherbut i reckon i may have to give this one a miss that early dude!
may be a little too early for me i think, by april i could have the tent and the like sorted, and a bit of cash togetherbut i reckon i may have to give this one a miss that early dude!

I'd definately rather go later too, but my window is quite small due to business commitments, although I'll make some calls tonight and see what I can do.

Anyway, the thing is it's only Morocco, no further than Germany, and with a few vehicles in convoy even if you have some issues, it's not a train smash. All you need is a serviceable Landy, some maps/routes/visa's, and a 35 squid dome tent, or a blow up mattress for the back of your 110, and some cash is probably the only thing you can't do without. I'll have fridge/cooking stuff etc.

Comon, nothing like a deadline to get things done quickly !

Anyway I'm off to pick up the final bits for my 90, hopefully will have it at Whaddon next weekend !
i will see what i can do, cash and work committments depending! im short on the old cash due to spending on vehicles and future projects at the moment - how much are you reckoning it will cost?

and do it - whaddon should be much laughs
There will still be some snow in the High Atlas region at this time. something to be aware of. It will depend on how much snowfall they get this winter but the snow will generally stay until May in 1 quantity or another.

If you read my report (lengthy i know) should give you an insight into what to expect. at the bottom is a spreadsheet showing each day. distance covered, % of offroad/piste and GPS locations for some of the places we stayed. lots of info which you can then put down onto your own map (michelin 742 is good for planning).

Be glad to help if you need any other specific info, let me know.

Thanks Fielder & Griff for the input.

Griff I have 2 specific questions, so far :D, ballpark what did your 08 trip cost, and could any of that have been trimmed by more camping instead of hotels ?

And is their anything in that 08 trip you would cut out/add ?

Oi Carpy, have you seen Griff's site, check out the pics Website created using 350pages at it may inspire you to rent out your snake to raise money for the trip :D
may be a little too early for me i think, by april i could have the tent and the like sorted

Okay I have come up with a plan, my brother (who is looking after my business when I travel) is sailing from Cape Town to Brazil in March, I've got him to agree to leave his boat in Brazil and come here in April, so we can aim for April if that helps :p
Hi all,

March or April is fine with me, same as Carpy thought, the more time the more i can save and the my landy can evolve for the trip. Got some new rear spring seats to weld on to my chassis tomorrow, the spring on the offside has torn the spring mount open already! :eek: It has taken some treatment. :D

There will still be some snow in the High Atlas region at this time. something to be aware of.

So i can bring a snowboard and the husky, sweet! :D Ok, definitly not the husky....:eek: My landy fairs well in the cold and the snow, but it doesent matter how much ice i chip off the heater intake, it never seems to warm up in there....
Anyway, the thing is it's only Morocco, no further than Germany, and with a few vehicles in convoy even if you have some issues, it's not a train smash. All you need is a serviceable Landy, some maps/routes/visa's, and a 35 squid dome tent, or a blow up mattress for the back of your 110, and some cash is probably the only thing you can't do without. I'll have fridge/cooking stuff etc.

I like your style. :D
Okay maps ordered, Carpy & Rich I got you each a Michellin 742, so now you have to come :D

I also bought the tracks4africa Morocco Garmin map, as I plan to use the tracks4africa maps for the main Africa trip, so this will be a good shakedown for map and GPS, now to find a suitable Garmin GPS :rolleyes:
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booger - You should have used the free vector map to use on Garmin. Linked off my website. runs off mapsource. the way I got around it was to buy a Garmin GPS10 which runs of bluetooth. It came with mapsource so I downloaded that onto the laptop and installed the PDA version onto my Dell Axim. Worked a treat. Currently looking to upgrade to a tablet pc :)

with regards to cost, it was about £2k for the 4 weeks and 2 of us. I think we only spent 4 nights in hotels so you could knock £150 off that. I can't see where else you could trim it. maybe by not driving so much! we covered alot of miles. campsites are cheap anyway (£2-£6) so you wont save much by skimping on this. our insurance was also in this cost (£100?), along with both ferries.


Thanks Griff, yes that's a big help :D

I saw your free map, but thought this would be a good opportunity to test the quality of the tracks4africa maps I will be using in my main trip. The prices are in Rands so it was almost free anyway ;)

What tablet are you looking at ? I've got my eye on a Panasonic toughbook, which folds into a tablet format, is there anything better ?
you will find more detail on the free one. T4A have fantastic coverage of the southern parts of Africa (Namibia/Botswana/SA/Kenya etc.) but Morocco and North Africa is sparse. I agree its cheap, but there isnt much on there. The free one runs on Garmin to, so take both. I found i didnt use the T4A one after the 1st week. says it all really.

Tablets. yes Toughbooks are the nuts. they are pricey though. I dont think you will find better. there are a few rugged alternatives. Xplore, duotouch, gobook etc. but the toughbook has many spares and services dedicated to it so probably the best buy.

I was actually going to go for something cheaper and non-rugged. The HP TC1100 has a good spec, is light (1.4kg) and has detachable keyboard. Seen them for £100-£150 so i may start here. Toshiba Portage 200 is also a good buy.

Remember that mounting these things is not easy. You will be looking at a RAM mount or similar if you want it to stay off the floor and out of your passenger's way. alternatively strap it to the lid of your cubbybox. depends where you want it really. Im still looking/researching my options.

let me know if you buy a toughbook, would like to see one.

you will find more detail on the free one. T4A have fantastic coverage of the southern parts of Africa (Namibia/Botswana/SA/Kenya etc.) but Morocco and North Africa is sparse.

Jeez you're not kidding, the tracks4africa map would be bad value even it is was free! Think I'm going to give those Jaapies a talking too :p
Okay maps ordered, Carpy & Rich I got you each a Michellin 742, so now you have to come :D

Thank you, will be planning routes in no time. :D I am easy with dates, all my work is part time or self employed occasionaly, so im super flexable. I doubt james has read this thread as hes away on a training ex. He probaly wont have a landy but i could add him on my insurance and put up with him.:rolleyes:;) He does have alot of work commitment though, but im sure he would love to come so i will definitly make him aware anyway.
I think we need to get together and have a chat about this to start working out the route, kit we will need and wont need, ferrys we will need to book, visas for morocco, dates and all the other variables. I say this but i am buisy this week and away next, then its christmas, so i guess will have to be after christmas for me. The EU is super easy so i would imagen getting into morroco to be the only border obstical, unless i get stoped at dover again for a search (i think they like me).
Absolutely a get together is definately in order, pm me your address and I'll post you the map so you can start looking. I'll get all the info on Ferries/Visa'a etc, figure out how to use mapsource/my new Garmin GPS properly, etc.

and then we can meet early in the new year and finalize routes etc, if you see anything interessting, mark it on the map and we can try and include it in the route. For instance I saw a wicked wild camping spot on the beach in Spain, just outside the border, and if at all possible I think we should go that way :D But loads to do still....
Enjoy 4 hours in passport control :mad: i hated that part of the crossing into Morocco. took forever to get in and out.

Thats not so bad though surly? I spent 2 hours getting into Florida, and had to spend a day at the US embassy prior to even going there.

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