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Apologies in advance in case you've already read it, but this has appeared on another forum but with almost no response, and I'm still looking for a solution:

During our last trip (April/May) we had a minor traffic accident - broken mirror, dented wing, no injuries. The damage was to the other, Moroccan, car, not us. He wandered out of his lane while we were overtaking. I filled out an accident report at the scene, gave the other driver a copy and tried to contact my insurer. This is CAT, who sell insurance through a broker at Tangier Med port.

Despite 3 e-mails, 3 phone calls (all to an ansaphone at head office in Casablanca), a conversation with the lady at CAT Assistance who just advised another call to the head office, a fax of all the details and a follow-up letter, I've heard nothing. Each communication has asked for an acknowledgement.

The incident was 3 weeks ago (now 5 weeks) long should we expect to wait before we get a response of any kind? Anyone got any experience of this?

Obviously, I want to clear this up before we go again. I can do without (more) hassle at the port, even though I can prove that I've done all I can to resolve the issue.

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