
New Member
First time greenlaning today so I took my Defender 90 along the track which crosses the ford on at Moreton in Dorset tonight. The water was less than a foot deep and I crossed without any problems.

I had checked all the diff breathers before going offroad but will i need to change the diff oil as they have been half under water ?

Sorry if this is a noob question but i have only been in the landy family for less than a month so far :)
you can't get the mud off, it's like against the law!lol

all the other kids love seeing my muddy landy on the school run the day after laning......

the mud is like a trophy.... just clean the number plates and lights to keep it road
First time greenlaning today so I took my Defender 90 along the track which crosses the ford on at Moreton in Dorset tonight. The water was less than a foot deep and I crossed without any problems.

I had checked all the diff breathers before going offroad but will i need to change the diff oil as they have been half under water ?

Sorry if this is a noob question but i have only been in the landy family for less than a month so far :)

Any piccies?
Nice ford. Stopped off there on my way to cornwall last week. lots of picnicing families. The children cheered and the parents looked at me like i was the devil !
I nearly lost my 90 here, water was half way up the windscreen ON THE INSIDE, there are some deep hidden holes in this ford, it is fine if you just drive alongside the bridge !

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