
Having a senior moment
Hi folks: as usual I have a couple more of these turned up so if anyone wants a tracker for their pride and joy, then this is the time to dive in!

Been going through some old stock and it turns out I have a couple of tracking devices available. Check out GPS vehicle tracking and remote telemetry for a full explanation but at £100 it is way cheaper than an alarm. PM me if you are interested.
Hard to believe that so many members hold their vehicles in such low regard!
That's why the stolen section is filling up fast

Doesn't help when fools write on hear,landywatch,an defender2 telling people how to steal them :rolleyes:

Pm you later as I've sold the 90 :D
That's why the stolen section is filling up fast

Doesn't help when fools write on hear,landywatch,an defender2 telling people how to steal them :rolleyes:

Pm you later as I've sold the 90 :D

If you see any posts giving inappropriate info please report them so they can be deleted/edited asap
If you see any posts giving inappropriate info please report them so they can be deleted/edited asap

The posts in some threads are on sites I'm not a member of but what I've read in the past two days I could probably walk up to any defender a steal it in less time than it takes to make a brew people need to think about the info they are posting or keep it to pm's

Info relating to ecu's how to disable alarm systems an reprogramming fobs

People who post this stuff are making a rod for their own back

It's pathetic

This is one of the contributing factors as to why I've sold mine as I don't fancy spending the next 20 years in prison for murder :D
1 word.... Jammer
1 word: irrelevant

Given the right precautions a jammer doesn't negate the effectiveness of the unit.

Also, the number of Jammers in circulation is much lower than some would have you believe.
1 word: irrelevant

Given the right precautions a jammer doesn't negate the effectiveness of the unit.

Also, the number of Jammers in circulation is much lower than some would have you believe.

But Jammers work and work well

i had two trackers fitted to a HGV one in the cab and one right at the back behind the bumper

we suspected the driver of using a jammer hence us fitting another unit that he didnt know about it.

both units worked fine till the driver arrived at work then they went off we placed a location under surveillance as we had a tip off that he was visiting there surprise he went there but the trackers were still showing him at the yard. once he had departed the tip off location and got back on the road he was meant to be on the trackers started working again

now tell me jammers dont work........
But Jammers work and work well

i had two trackers fitted to a HGV one in the cab and one right at the back behind the bumper

we suspected the driver of using a jammer hence us fitting another unit that he didnt know about it.

both units worked fine till the driver arrived at work then they went off we placed a location under surveillance as we had a tip off that he was visiting there surprise he went there but the trackers were still showing him at the yard. once he had departed the tip off location and got back on the road he was meant to be on the trackers started working again

now tell me jammers dont work........
YOu misunderstand me: I do not say that Jammers do not work. Indeed, when they are applied to single action dedicated trackers they certainly can be effective. However units have developed beyond that. They provide more functions than simple tracking, and although tracking plays a part, it can be combined with the other functions effectively.

In the circumstances that you describe, any half decent unit would not have been disabled by a jammer. The communication back to the server would have been, but the on board memory would normally have logged the positions and been available once the vehicle got back to base. The fact is that the jammers are are generally GSM jammers to prevent the position being relayed back to base. The GPS position would have remained valid. In the unlikely even that a combination GPS?GSM Jammer is used (and they are not yer run of the mill piece of kit) then a decent unit would have simply disabled the vehicle until the jammer was disengaged.

I do not say that Jammers do not work... simply that by employing common sense, tracking units, or rather the security units in which GPS plays a part, remain effective despite the naysayers.
How easy to fit to a series 3? I'll see how much cash is left after it's MOT and outlay for the Insurace! £100 is a bargain! (if you have it!)
How easy to fit to a series 3? I'll see how much cash is left after it's MOT and outlay for the Insurace! £100 is a bargain! (if you have it!)
Two wire connections is the easiest - it gets more involved as you add more and more extras.:D

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