
New Member
As I injest the information on this superb forum a thought somehow worked it's way to my frontal lobe.

Do you peeps have another car to get about in or is the Disco the only car you have? The reason why I ask is because I am self employed and I need a vehicle that will get me about and NOT spend time on the drive because I have to wait for parts to be delivered etc.

Shame Discs don't need attention just at the weekends innit
I do normaly have a spare car lol but for the first time in 4 years I only have the one which is the disco bad mistake I'm thinking now.
99% of the time preventative maintance works and if it does need bits urgent they should be available from the shed or best mate or the local land parts place via a lift from someone simples really.
Now where the fuc can i get a water pump from at 8 O'clock at night!
Stay on top of the maintance, dont' expect vehilcles with very high mileage not to give you trouble as in any car with high miles will need extra attention.Bought mine in 2008 with 51,000 and never let me down,although going in for MOT in two hours time !!!so will see hahahh
got just the one disco :) 200,008 miles now and in 2wd as front props buggerd. just keep maintanence up and if you think somethings about to give up, sort it before it does. just keep an eye on it :)
Just the Disco, plus a pretty good (as in reliable) motorcycle from the inscrutable Mr. Honda as a backup. Not ideal as the weather deteriorates, but the Disco gets good treatment and I find my discos have been usually reliable. Any car is going to be off the road for a day here and there for servicing. The quandry is whether to do it yourself (given the ability and the will) or put it in a garage. I tend to do simple things myself and the rest goes to the garage, only because they take a day or two to do what I would take an age.

I suppose that's the difference. If you have another car available, you can wait for parts to arrive and fiddle with it at your leisure.
we mainly use the disco but if our son puts his astra on the drive behind the disco and he isn't going out but me / missus need to nip to the local shops or something we will go in his astra as me and the missus are insured for using his car aswell.
only got the disco, if it needs attention then i book time of work for repairs, luckily not off work much been reliable for the 2 years its bin with me, and lucky as brother in-law is a mechanic and no cost to me yippy
Stay on top of the maintance, dont' expect vehilcles with very high mileage not to give you trouble as in any car with high miles will need extra attention.Bought mine in 2008 with 51,000 and never let me down,although going in for MOT in two hours time !!!so will see hahahh

Passed mot, no reccomendations back in love with her again!! ahhah :D
mmmmm i have 2 discos a racing devolpments toyota and a amg mercedes for the weekend .but thats only because i sold my jag and freelander last month saying that i have had 12 cars this year lol
I used to have just the Disco, but living where I do with 3 kids and needing a vehicle, with landrovers reliability record sometimes it was a bit of a bum twitcher getting things sorted in time.

Now I also have a 51 Golf GT TDI as my economy car. Its great as we were using loads of fuel (even with LPG) and never sure before if we would actually get to our destination - and back! Everythings an adventure with the Landy, including every corner but I always get a great sense of achievement whenever I complete a big journey.

HOWEVER: Given the choice of only keeping one of the two it would be the Landy without question. The Golf is incredibly reliable but boring and "just a car" the Landy never fails to put a huge grin on my face every time I start her up (probably the relief that she actually started up!) and the Landy is by far more versatile and fun. My head would say Golf but my heart would say Landy.

Shes been off the road since Aug getting LOADS of work done (welding)that I basically couldnt have done if I had to keep her on the road during this time. She'll be solid soon and ready for the winter.

All I know is you gotta love a Landy to keep one - or be minted!
95 Disco 300 tdi
02 transit for work
1969 rover P5 V8
1978 Dodge tradesman Van 5.2 V8 with quad carbs
1980 Mini flame red checkmate (the GFs motor but lives with me)
me and the mrs run 3 ..... disco 200tdi, fourtrak and pug 306. mrs uses the pug by choice... ill use any of them, we run 3 so weve always got 2 available., it means when we do have a problem i can take time to source parts at the best price and do the work when conveinient... without having to send it down the garage for an expensive rush job. ....

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