
New Member
About 4 hours ago my Freelander (54 Plate) started emitting a v loud buzzing noise from the passenger footwell. Having dismantled the Glovebox there is a greybox made by Valoe that appears to be the offending article. I've disconnected the wiring as a temporary solution. The box appears to by a part of the ventilation system with the following markings:

W963 900R
6NN 007 626-01

Vehicle manual, haynes manual and valeo website offer no clues. Is it important and what does it do?

Car under warranty so it will go back to the dealer idc.

i have no idea what it is, but i do know its not a good idea to start unpluging eletronic boxes when you have no idea what they do. you may have got away with it this time but you can do more damage by unpluging things.
If it is on a 54 Plate it should still be covered by Land Rover Assist I think - give em a call and they will pop out - number should be by the tax disk holder
Fully accept the point on unplugging things at random, however based on where it was located, it was a risk worth taking. Since then have discovered (by taking it apart) its the motorised valve that allows the air to recirculate, and that its jammed in the recirculate position. To get to the jammed flap appears to mean dismantling the whole of the facia; still unplugged but all reassembled and off to the dealer.

I seem to remember there being a LR bulletin about them at one time. Apparently some were installed back to front so open was shut and shut was open...May be worth checking its wired the right way round or just throw it at your main dealer if its under warranty.