
Hi guys
Well, I'm trawling down my list of 'to do' jobs on Bessie, and an important one is the fact that the drivers seat leans to one side, well, the cushioning does! Which doesn't go well with arthritis anyway! So, have priced new seats, I mean, a seat, I want, not a 3 piece suite! wow! So looked some more, and found that I can buy the interior foam squab to put in the base, which for now would do. But, having looked at the seat, how on earth do I do it?! I've done upholstery in my time, but can't see a way to get the foam out without dismantling the whole seat base, including the slides (is that the right word) that it sits on? Anyone done the same thing? Advice appreciated before I start walking sideways! I really don't want to trawl through the Welsh mountains before I sort this! Thanks as always. R x
Well, on mine the seat cushion and its base just clip on to the runners. Give the front edge of it a sharp tug upwards and it should start coming out. There are a couple of prongs that stick out the back and go in corresponding holes in the frame. The seat cushion has a metal base that the foam goes on and the cover is retained by a kind of push-on plastic strip round the outside. It can be difficult getting the covers on new foam cushions because they're a tight fit, but keep fiddling and I'm sure you'll get there. This is just how mine are put together - yours may differ, so be prepared to experiment.
Hi guys
Well, I'm trawling down my list of 'to do' jobs on Bessie, and an important one is the fact that the drivers seat leans to one side, well, the cushioning does! Which doesn't go well with arthritis anyway! So, have priced new seats, I mean, a seat, I want, not a 3 piece suite! wow! So looked some more, and found that I can buy the interior foam squab to put in the base, which for now would do. But, having looked at the seat, how on earth do I do it?! I've done upholstery in my time, but can't see a way to get the foam out without dismantling the whole seat base, including the slides (is that the right word) that it sits on? Anyone done the same thing? Advice appreciated before I start walking sideways! I really don't want to trawl through the Welsh mountains before I sort this! Thanks as always. R x
48.60 inc for a complete squab from Paddock. Some on ebay similar. Not sure if I would bother to re-upholster for that, but if you are interested in the project, why not! :)

Passenger side aint quite the same, but can be used temporary if needed.
Because I'm a cheap skate I just swapped the passenger and drivers side seat bases over and now it's the passengers problem:D

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