
Hi All,

Since fitting a recon VCU and new bearings, I've noticed that when going fast 60mph + there is a very slight, but definite increase in noise and a very slight vibration under my seat. The noise doesn't sound like a bad noise just a general hum and I'm sure to most folks you would not think twice about it - but it's defo a bit louder.

Is this normal?

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Where did you buy the VCU from and what make are the bearings? Are the bearings lined up correctly, right angle to the prop, and did you fit it yourself, if not you may have to check with whoever fitted it.
Got the VCU from Bell Engineering, the bearings from a place that Bell recommended.

As for alignment and fitting I followed Hippo's Howto guide. I basically aligned the bearings at 90 degrees to the VCU - they seems to sit in this position comfortably and I only had to tweak them a mm or two so they sat at 90 degrees, and in-line with the struts.

The noise and vibration is only slight, and it may have helped if I could remember what it was like before but I'd been driving in it mondo mode for a few months.
Got the VCU from Bell Engineering, the bearings from a place that Bell recommended.

As for alignment and fitting I followed Hippo's Howto guide. I basically aligned the bearings at 90 degrees to the VCU - they seems to sit in this position comfortably and I only had to tweak them a mm or two so they sat at 90 degrees, and in-line with the struts.

The noise and vibration is only slight, and it may have helped if I could remember what it was like before but I'd been driving in it mondo mode for a few months.

You answered your own question!! There is less noise when in FWD. You are hearing bearing noise from the VCU and the noise of the IRD and rear diff taking Added torque!!
You answered your own question!! There is less noise when in FWD. You are hearing bearing noise from the VCU and the noise of the IRD and rear diff taking Added torque!!

Yeah but...I guess the slight vibration is a bit odd. Or are you guys just so used to having a little vibration under your bum that you think nothing of it?
Yeah but...I guess the slight vibration is a bit odd. Or are you guys just so used to having a little vibration under your bum that you think nothing of it?

The vibration could be the mass damper on the VCU ? You could try turning it a third of a turn in relation to the VUC. Mark it's current posision with tipex then unbolt the damper and turn it ether way then re-bolt it. If there is an inprovement there is the culprit!!
How did the UJ's feel? they should be free to move without any slack in the bearing cups!!
Yeah but...I guess the slight vibration is a bit odd. Or are you guys just so used to having a little vibration under your bum that you think nothing of it?

Woah, woah - what is this new perversion????? :eek:

Is it legal? ;)

Perhaps it's just your mobile 'phone in yer back pocket. :p
I found finding decent bearings a bit of a job, when I replaced my VCU I foolishly bought a pair from a certain BRITish PART supplier, bearings made more noise than a jumbo when doing 40mph, replaced them only to find the rubber was too hard and caused vibration at 50 - 60mph. Binned. Bit the bullet and bought gen ones and all fixed.... for a year when the rubber on one collapsed.
Bought the current set from John Craddock I think and so far so good.
Only replaced the original ones as a matter of coarse, they were perfect really after 6 years, they got slightly buggered getting it all apart though..

My VCU came from Bell Engineering, great helpfull guys...
I'm sure that a call to Bell Engineering will be useful as they really understand freelander transmission and are very helpful.

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