Just as I expected.......a complete bunch of toss replies. I have no reason to come on here and lie. Further I do not deserve the insults from those of you who take ownership and decide theta everyone else is wrong. I really thought the input would be a refreshing alternative to the usual negative attitude towards something different...........someone stated that a 2 wheel drive car is ' pointless' well I am sorry but your opinion is pointless. I have reported the facts as I found them. If you don't like it the you are clearly in the wrong place. In future my findings will be kept completely to myself and you people can carry on living within the secular world in which you believe.
Settle down and have a read of this:

Topic's on ere change as time goes on. They don't always stay on topic and don't always have input which is helpful. You don't always like all the biscuits in a selection tin... Rudeness goes with the flow on ere sometimes. What one person may feel offensive is nothing to what they call us Freelanderers in the Anything goes section. If you turn yer back on the forum you'll be walking away from a great source of knowledge on FL's, which is second to topix/rave/haynes. Calm donw and have a read of soe of the other freds before you kick oft.

The topic of 2 or 4 wheel drive has been done to death on ere. Some like it some don't. Some don't think peeps should buy a 4x4 and convert to 2wd whilst others don't care. Some think it's dangerous having driven like that. Some don't think at all. It feels loose which is why I don't like it. Also I get wheel spin when pulling away. We all have our opinions and that's what makes the combined knowledge/eggsperience of the forum.
I didn't spot he'd been on ere for years. This place isn't easily forgotten... I thought he was a new member.
I didn't get chance to put my off road tyres on this weekend, and as my disco is having some work done to it, I have been driving my freelander, in mondo mode, with road tyres, in the wet.

And I am lucky to still be alive!!

It handles like utter poop, wheel spinning all the time, sliding everywhere, its just dangerous! Luckily I got a recon VCU on Monday from Bell Engineering and will be fitting the prop back on this weekend. I get my disco back today so I can safely say I WILL NOT drive my freelander again in 2 wheel drive!!
Some people are funny... they bought a 4wd car... they convert it to 2wd car... they use some strange (imo stupid arguments) to tell everyone that is all right...
What for? there is plenty of big cars, with 2wd, cheaper in usage
Some people are funny... they bought a 4wd car... they convert it to 2wd car... they use some strange (imo stupid arguments) to tell everyone that is all right...
What for? there is plenty of big cars, with 2wd, cheaper in usage

I don't think there's many people who convert their Freelander to 2WD because they explicitly want 2WD - it usually cos the transmission's broke, well on the way to being broke, they can't afford 4 new tyres or even cos they just want to delay the (perceived) inevitable being broke (eg over summer).

Ownership is for all sorts of reasons, or else all 4WD Land Rover owners replace them with other 4WD because they are cheaper on usage!
Most stuff will be stuck there if still on the sand when the water comes in - evil place. Probably the only fault on the car was the nut on the end of the steering column
One thing peeps don't expect is there's a ground water level in the sand. Sinking can be easier than you think. Also once the body/chassis is grounded the wheels alone won't be enough.
Self ignite button now a standard option on new Landrovers.
It saves you having to go find some petrol and matches.
Why do people always compare Freelander in 2WD to a Ford Focus? Why not a Ka or Mondeo or a XR8 or a Transit or a different make?

I 'av ta larf! My wife's sister and her husband visited us back in February for 3 weeks. In that time we took them all over the South Island here in NZ in our trusty (2WD) '99 Freelander. We cranked up 1,000s of Ks taking in all sorts of mountain passes, open roads, gravel roads etc etc. The Freelander didn't miss a beat taking us and all our luggage to some fantastic locations.

At the moment my son is in the UK for a visit. He's staying with said sister-in-law in South London. This weekend though he's going to stay with my brother in Stratford-on-Avon. He's going up by train on Friday morning to Solihul, taking in a tour of the Land Rover factory then staying with my brother for the weekend.

He's got tickets to the England game on Tuesday - so needs to be back in South London - and he'll have to get the train back down. The sister and brother in law were going to go and pick him up, but their 2 year old FORD FOCUS has broken down !

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