
so i bought this disco a couple of weeks ago bog standard minus some heady duty suspension.

got it for some laning and pay and play fun on a budget and have made a few mods so far. the biggest problem at the mo is it needs some welding. im no pro welder but have made a start on repairing it so will let the pics do the talking. some of its not pretty but its functional and strong (survived a 4lb lump hammer test) and being 4mm plate it should last a good while.

need to give it some paint to protect it then weld the patches back in the floors.

the boot floor will be stripped back and repainted before it gets any worse!

any comments/tips welcome!
been doing some more work recently, finished the nearside cross member repairs and started the offside. much like the rest of the trouble spots the offside is in far worse shape than its matching nearside part. the cross member needed much more rebuilding.

coming along bit by bit though, got the sills to box section yet and some other smaller repairs until i find more lol!

just to keep motivated i started fitting some off road parts i have got waiting. its slowly coming together but i think i still have the hardest bits to go! any tips for doing the box section sills anyone?


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