
Active Member
I'm about to purchase a 90 (300tdi) and start a restoration job on it for my wifes birthday next July (she loves her Landy's just as much as me). I'd like her to have a modern looking 90 but being a cheap bastard I want to be able to run it on VO. My question is if I purchased an interior out of a modern (2008-2013) insurance write off, would the dash, seats etc all fit straight in or would it need modifications? If mods are needed are we talking serious modification?

Thanks in advance.
This has been asked before. Yes it fits but its a lot of work and you are left with very little room inside the cab
Apologies if it's been asked before, I did search but couldn't find anything. Thanks for the help.
you can clean it up (not modern however) by buying covers or redoing the dash yourself.
Something I didn't really want to do was change the bulkhead, I didn't want to get that deep into a rebuild. Can the dashboard be modified in order to save the original bulkhead?
i was lucky and got a bulkhead for free, needed a new corner and floor welded in but apart from that its ok, the dash and heating cost me £300 on the other hand, need a disco gearbox aswell as the defender one is in the wrong position, wiring shouldnt be too hard but im making a custom speedo set up using TD5 clocks, keep an eye on my rebuild post, should be all done in about a month and a bit
For a guide on fitting the 2002 TD5 dash to an earlier Defender, have a look at -

Wiring is not too difficult, and the proper connectors to fit the switches are available.


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