
New Member
Hi all,
I've seen for sale reconditioned MOD 2.5 NA engines for great prices.
Are they good and reliable? Anyone has experience with them?

probably as good as you will get without getting one yourself reconditioned properly ,but they do tend to have cheaper parts fitted
I was in this predicament myself a month or so ago but opted to get my current engine rebored.

You do get alot for your money but if it is all in working order when refurbed its fresh paint over old parts. I've also read that they are done cheaply/quickly, probably because if they put it in and it fails a week later they just whip it out, throw another in and crack on so they don't have to worry about getting it perfect first time, every time. At least it's a simple engine!
I was in this predicament myself a month or so ago but opted to get my current engine rebored.

You do get alot for your money but if it is all in working order when refurbed its fresh paint over old parts. I've also read that they are done cheaply/quickly, probably because if they put it in and it fails a week later they just whip it out, throw another in and crack on so they don't have to worry about getting it perfect first time, every time. At least it's a simple engine!

that is very true , you didnt get warranty work from mod they just fitted another as you said and faulty unit went for another recon at mods cost, was a nice earner for some less scrupulous suppliers
The recon one thats on withams at the moment has a label that says Caterpillar reconditioning division, if thats the case then it should be a very good class A recon unit.
why should it? A recon engine will always be a recon engine no matter who recons it.
why should it? A recon engine will always be a recon engine no matter who recons it.

Sorry,having done warranty work for several major engine companies,I can tell you quite honestly that there is a HUGE difference between what is acceptable to some and not to others.
just the machining can vary wildly, let alone build quality of parts used

not to mention due care and expertise of the guys reassembling them.

If you have a good known engine thats worn i would go for rebuild that
February 2012 put one in , a used take out from the Withamas site, 325.00 auction with vat and carriage on top. Three oil changes and significant motor way miles later I can't complain, considering one for my series 88 inch diesel, if that is any help. Maybe I have been lucky, although new clutch supplied was Brit Part but that has been ok too, covered a good few miles 40,000 I think.
nothing wrong with it at all, spent weeks looking at pictures of second hand engines on there though and it was a gamble, but fully re con? cant go wrong really. They were doing 2.25 diesels as well some years ago but I did not need one then, allways the way eh.
Having seen some of the Landrove shells they were selling some time ago the "tank ran over it" is probably right.

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