
Hi all,

End of the month is the beginning of my chassis resto. I had planned on welding the repairs myself with the help of a friend who is a competent welder. However they are now not available.

Anyone have a recommendation for a mobile welder based in Oxfordshire or nearby who could do the work on my drive?

Thanks, Dan
My recommendation is to enrol in a welding or bodywork repair evening class in your local FE/Technical College and learn for yourself. You'll save a fortune and have the satisfaction of having done the work yourself.
And you get to buy a welder!!
Good luck!
Thanks for the reply. Ive got a welder and the consumables so I'm going to give it a go myself. practice and learn as i go. Thanks.
We have an ex pro welder at work and if anyone mentions welding a car he simply says £700.

If they complain he simply says it’s cheaper if you lie on ‘your’ back covered in crap cutting out ever increasing chunks of rot.

He has a point.
Agreed, I lie on my back and cut out rot and get covered in muck, its horrible but you really get to see what needs doing and it saves a lot of money. Cutting out rust is low skill so in my mind I don't want to pay a skilled welder to do it.

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