My Ninety is available :). However the last time we had any real snow [2018] someone left this in the only road out. I did pull it out but the very next day a Transit was stuck in the same place! o_O


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Aww crap, crap parts that is. Fitted the syncro detent springs put the unit on the shaft and did a by hand test. Straight away one pinged out, put it back and did the same again with another half way out.
In pic is the one survivor from original above next to replacement below. Have ordered some LR original.


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They are spring steel so have to be set right before temper, an attempt to put right would result in weakening or just snap.
As a challenge while,waiting for new ones you could try the annealing , bending , hardening and tempering , prob just need water and oil
When one compares to original [ zoom in ] one can see the shape is all wrong and ends to short so will not bother with them.
Had some in back order for months at Craddocks… they just refunded me as there is any available it seems..

I have used a complete new Bearmach unit, so might have some on my old unit if you are welcome to… I’ll have a look if interested..
Just an up date on this long saga. In March had a run in with a long cold and then seasonal work and other repairs had to come first. Still box has been back together a couple of months now and works as it should turning by hand. Transfer got a clean out and new seals/gaskets and ready to mate up. Now where are the nuts and bolts? 😀

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