
Well-Known Member
I got my Rangie back on the road again but while i was getting the engine done my Nanacom disapeared Amonsgt other things.
As i was in Australia at the time the Garage denied any knowledge of it.
I wonder if anyone has seen one advertised for sale anywhere in the last 3 months
That does not sound nice.
You should have it registered to your name .

Can you contact BBS and ask if anyone has re registered it?


No need to reregister as long as the same vehicle type. Might be able to spot an update if connected to the interweb. Not sure. Question for Colin at BBS.
Only thing you can do is contact Colin and ask him to monitor the serial number of the unit and see if anyone tries to register it for updates or additional vehicles.
I got my Rangie back on the road again but while i was getting the engine done my Nanacom disapeared Amonsgt other things.
As i was in Australia at the time the Garage denied any knowledge of it.
I wonder if anyone has seen one advertised for sale anywhere in the last 3 months
I know you cannot accuse the garage without proof but as someone there can not be trusted,a general location may put others on guard
I know you cannot accuse the garage without proof but as someone there can not be trusted,a general location may put others on guard

If it was in the car when it went in the garage and not in it when he picked the car up. It is safe to assume someone in the garage had it away. It is therefore the responsibility of the garage if they are honest. However it is up to the owner to prove it was indeed in the car, which is difficult to do. Moral being don't leave £400.00 worth of diag in your car if it goes in for repair. I had a two foot Snap-on wrenching bar go missing from a car in for MOT at one time. I know it was in it but could not prove it.
I don't think he had much choice at the time. I think it was a remote fix.
When I have done every thing possible I will put the location on here and also a lot of other stuff about this place as there were a heat shield that was not refitted and also the undertray shield at the front and also a bolt was left out of the bell housing and they charged me for the plastic pipe from filter to fip (80 pounds)because they said it was damaged but funny thing was i drove the car there with no leaks. Also they fitted new pistons because they said they were damaged by hitting the head and when i asked to see the old pistons they told me they were exchange pistons and had returned them to the suppliers. That just the start of it more to come.
They also said that the heat shield and tray were not on there when the car came in.
and as I was in Australia at the time the job was finished ( which should have been finished before I went ) I put the car on SORN and the next thing I know is that I get a fine for using the car while on sorn so I told the I sent the garage that and in fairness to them they either paid the fine or managed to sort it out as I had told them it was on SORN and they needed to have trade plates on when tested. Also the fine notice said that the driver could be prosecuted for using an unregistered car and i could prove that was not me. all in all im not very happy with the service or the lies that I was told.
When I have done every thing possible I will put the location on here and also a lot of other stuff about this place as there were a heat shield that was not refitted and also the undertray shield at the front and also a bolt was left out of the bell housing and they charged me for the plastic pipe from filter to fip (80 pounds)because they said it was damaged but funny thing was i drove the car there with no leaks. Also they fitted new pistons because they said they were damaged by hitting the head and when i asked to see the old pistons they told me they were exchange pistons and had returned them to the suppliers. That just the start of it more to come.
They also said that the heat shield and tray were not on there when the car came in.
and as I was in Australia at the time the job was finished ( which should have been finished before I went ) I put the car on SORN and the next thing I know is that I get a fine for using the car while on sorn so I told the I sent the garage that and in fairness to them they either paid the fine or managed to sort it out as I had told them it was on SORN and they needed to have trade plates on when tested. Also the fine notice said that the driver could be prosecuted for using an unregistered car and i could prove that was not me. all in all im not very happy with the service or the lies that I was told.

Trading standards should be your next port of call. Piston protrusion is measured and a suitable thickness of head gasket fitted. Pistons don't suddenly grow taller. Exchange pistons my arse. You have been had.
Trading standards should be your next port of call. Piston protrusion is measured and a suitable thickness of head gasket fitted. Pistons don't suddenly grow taller. Exchange pistons my arse. You have been had.

Dont I know it but dealing with blatent liars like that they just hang up on you accusing you of abusing them and i wont talk to you any more and then saying that they have not recieved emails. There must be a lost email office somewhere out there in the universe where all lost emails end up .
Dont I know it but dealing with blatent liars like that they just hang up on you accusing you of abusing them and i wont talk to you any more and then saying that they have not recieved emails. There must be a lost email office somewhere out there in the universe where all lost emails end up .

They are talking utter rubbish. In a court they would not stand a chance spouting crap like that. Trading standards, and don't publicise the garage until you have spoken to them.
Ty wammers i still have to go back to them to see if they will fix everything before i go to trading standards.
Might I suggest making a timeline with all correspondence, niggles and so forth? Normally when people start lying they mix things up and then when questioned just getddeeper in the mire. This is when evidence really helps. Have to be quick though, the longer you leave it the less chance of success. Then you need someone independent willing to act against them. Not many will.
Exchange pistons - whatever, I mean they exchange bulbs and wiper blades - so yeah, I guess. Cool.
Unless you can prove whatever went on, how far do you take things? If this garage is a bad at its looking, what apart from reporting to trading standards is there he can do?
knowing what went on is far different to proving it in court if it goes that far
Unless you can prove whatever went on, how far do you take things? If this garage is a bad at its looking, what apart from reporting to trading standards is there he can do?
knowing what went on is far different to proving it in court if it goes that far

Since when do you fit exchange pistons?

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