
New Member
Hiya folks. I’ve had my Series 2A petrol for years, and know most of its quirks. But without warning, while pooling along in the middle of a field, it started misfiring. Nursed itback home, all downhill. It starts fine, idles fine, but stutters as soon as I press the throttle. I’ve replaced the dizzy cap, rotor arm, HT leads, and coil (I keep a spare set, no fool me...), but to no avail. Any ideas? Help!
Are the tappets adjusted properly? And have you changed the condenser, even if you have, change it again. I switched to an electronic ignition module in my series. I was having the same symtoms as you despite changing all the electrical bits. Since putti I g the electronic ignition in, no more problems.

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Not the tappets, definitely, but I may take up the electronic ignition point, and fix it for good. John Craddock should have them. Thanks
Not the tappets, definitely, but I may take up the electronic ignition point, and fix it for good. John Craddock should have them. Thanks
You won't regret it. I got so fed up fiddling with my point settings. I don't remember it being that bad in the 70's when everything had points.

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