
New Member
Hi all havent needed to post for a long while, cos no probs, alas

im in france and its ecking cold, 2a petrol,solex etc. starts no problem, but some times a missfire and lack of power etc. ticks over sweet as a nut.I have changed points and condenser , but still have intermitent prob. one day miss fire other day not...,any ideas? is it fuel of the icing up stories i have heard about or a dodgy condenser.

cheers all steve
Have you whipped out the plugs and checked that they look "normal"?

It could be the carb icing up - physically look at it when it misfires - does it look iced up (perhps might not be visible with yours, someone might correct me on this, but on my Weber I can see it quite clearly when it ices over).
Had a quick look the other day , plugs a fine , took them out too check spark/points etc. the carb looks ok , i put two old quilts over the engine each night, but yesterday was -12 all day, like i said starts up fine...ok with help of battery charger cos the batts on its way out and no need to replace till after the winter.Runs sweet on choke for 2-3 mins. let the choke off and tick over lovely, sometimes when you blip the pedal its smooth and you go up the road and within a few hundred yards poping and missing with no power, other times can do a run to shops and back (5km) and no probs.
You think its ok and the next day can hardly get up the road.
May strip the carb down and check, but it does not seem like a blockage prob....or does it???

Far too cold today any way for my little pinkies.
My carb only freezes after driving after a while - so not sure what use the blanket overnight will do if yours is similar?

Try pulling choke back out when it stutters. It could well be a blockage...or it could be your carb is worn. Could be a host of other things - coil breaking down, dodgy plug/leads etc.
Lots of possibilities the only thing I would say is I had very erratic misfiring hard to pinpoint to any particular actions or types of driving and it was a duff coil (3 month old Brit Part bought by mistake in my case!) as has been suggested as a possibility above.
Thanks for input guys, yeh a mass of solutions..didnt know that carb ices while driving , i thought it was just overnight etc..will look into it. Dont think fuel as i got two in line filters and look clean to me.
Still too cold too check today again.