
New Member
Increasingly there are too many parked cars and vans on our road, and it is increasingly impossible to see when trying to drive my 1999 defender 110 out of the drive, we live on a hill and sometimes people go far to fast down it.

This am avoided by a tight margin a serious pile up on our road simply because I could not see what was coming - 2 cars close together far too fast.

I would like to fit a mirror on the front of my bonnet so I can have a chance of seeing what is coming down the road. I've looked on line and not found anything that will fit and will stay fitted. Does anyone else have this problem and a solution or a different way around this problem?

There are houses opposite with just the same problem, so not possible of installing a mirror on road side, nor is it possible for someone always to help me out.
Approach your council to get speed bumps installed. Sounds like it's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt.
I remember seeing a bonnet pair of mirrors it had one angled each way and a semi streamline bulge in front. I think that went off the market many years ago, probably when the police got objectionable about bonnet mascots.
I'd agree a pair of bumper mounted cameras seem the way to go today.

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