
Well-Known Member
I’ve just finished redesigning a “dangly” to hang on your rear view mirror when you arrive at the various Land Rover showgrounds you might decide to visit. I’ve used images from the LandyZone site, but the basic HTML is very similar to the dangly found on the Frontera Owner’s Group.

You can find it on my own website right now at:

If you like it, please feel free to use it at no extra cost. Let me know what you think.

Mods: Please move this to wherever you feel is best.
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I like it. Don't like the "one life" rubbish. Always though LR's pr department was a bit desperate to try that one.
I like it. Don't like the "one life" rubbish. Always though LR's pr department was a bit desperate to try that one.

Just for you I'll look at putting two versions up; one with the LR pr dept's "one life" rubbish and one without.
I'll need a few hours to get it done.
Alternately you could always get a bottle of Tippex.
Thanks for the feedback.

Just for you I'll look at putting two versions up; one with the LR pr dept's "one life" rubbish and one without.
I'll need a few hours to get it done.
Alternately you could always get a bottle of Tippex.
Thanks for the feedback.

Or even easier, since it needs printing out anyway, just copy pasta into paint, remove the one life bit, stick in a photo of boobs and print away.
Just 'cos some of you lot can't be trusted with a bottle of Tippex, let alone Photoshop on a computer :eek: I've put a couple of different versions of the dangly up on my own website.
They're still at but now you'll have to make a decision.
By way of a :bump: 'cos some people decided to sling (very) odd insults at eachother; I don't mind what you do or wear at the weekends, and as a reminder before the show season really gets underway I thought I'd post a pic of what the LandyZone mirror dangly looks like.


I've laminated mine (just 'cos I can) to make it a bit err, stiffer and to keep the greasy pawprints off it. (Ooh, Matron)

:behindsofa: avoiding further insults
I can see a slogan comp coming up. "One life - spend it under a Landy"

That's no problem, you lot come up with some slogans and I'll see what I can do with them. They don't take up that much space on my server, but I don't want to overdo it so let's see if we can get say five original ones for the "Zone".

For those of you who want to put your own slogan on a dangly, the details of the colour which I used for the lettering is "hex 004000" or in rgb 000,064,000.


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