
New Member
Got meslf sum new Mintex disks un padz orf peebay, un fitted them today..

Took orf the caliperz, like ya do, un give it a good clean.. removin
the pad carrier, took out old padz un clipz, cleaned up the carrier and
i noticed one of the guide pinz was seized in the carrier!!:(

After a bit of work wiff the vice, un sum WD40 i managed to remove
it, cleaned it all up, un a liddle bit ov oil on the pin and i pushed it back
in but it was to tight!:( i couldnt get it to free-up at all! the other pin
was fine!
Now i was thinkin.. wiy dont they have em spring loaded? coz they
work by only a little air pressure from the rubber seal? is it only this
that pushes the pad away from the disk,.."after" braking?:confused:

Or am i thinkin wiff me head up me ars agen!!:rolleyes: :D
Or am i thinkin wiff me head up me ars agen!!:rolleyes: :D[/quote]

Sounds like it mate.:D
Wots wiff all dis daft spelin an stuff.
Bit bloody boring to be honest.
Let me guess - Bottom pin? They tend to carry all the salt water n crap and turn into summat looking like on of the guns on the Bismarck - red rusty! Tiny has the Mintex extreme pads and she stops on a dime from a squillion miles an hour. :)
Its cos they went to keep contact at all times. . . . .un mintex are spose to be reet good. . . . .oh. . . un like green man sez feck orft yer noob
Let me guess - Bottom pin? They tend to carry all the salt water n crap and turn into summat looking like on of the guns on the Bismarck - red rusty! Tiny has the Mintex extreme pads and she stops on a dime from a squillion miles an hour. :)

Yep Tiny.. ya ded rite!!!:( :)
Clearly you do not appreciate his gobbledygook rubbish which I assume he thinks is either clever or humourous - join the club.
REET lets get this correct. . . .this is LZ its renound fer its quirky sarky childish total bollicks off beat sumtimes disgusting , mispellins . . . . .but you also get good free info. . . .if sumwun on a forum gits on yer tits , dont flare up un throw yer toys out. . . . .just press the magic ignore button. . . .like wot ive jist dun wiff you yer twot :D :D :D
REET lets get this correct. . . .this is LZ its renound fer its quirky sarky childish total bollicks off beat sumtimes disgusting , mispellins . . . . .but you also get good free info. . . .if sumwun on a forum gits on yer tits , dont flare up un throw yer toys out. . . . .just press the magic ignore button. . . .like wot ive jist dun wiff you yer twot :D :D :D

Yer wastin yer time Ming, these 2 ****s are too stupid to understand. Give them another brain cell to share & we might see progress.
REET lets get this correct. . . .this is LZ its renound fer its quirky sarky childish total bollicks off beat sumtimes disgusting , mispellins . . . . .but you also get good free info. . . .if sumwun on a forum gits on yer tits , dont flare up un throw yer toys out. . . . .just press the magic ignore button. . . .like wot ive jist dun wiff you yer twot :D :D :D

Zackly Ming... Coodnt av sed it bedder mesulf!!!

Wundufull stuff!!:D :D :D

Yer wastin yer time Ming, these 2 ****s are too stupid to understand. Give them another brain cell to share & we might see progress.

Eh'up Chromi.. yeah ya right, but dunt hold ya breaff!!:D :D :D
Yeah but you need a GCSE in Chav to understand it....... mind you, just wait till the Rodney's and Harriet's start off with twoddle speak.... ayyyyy sayyyyy wot wot ;)

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