Leaky Landy

New Member
I know they are insignificant really but any light would help, just picked up another Hippo td4 10yr old 67k on clock, runs like a watch, 3 probs:

1. It has standard issue fish bowl, is it worth the mither of buggering about with the door seal or shall I bang a 6mm hole in the floor? (5 door)

2. The CD multichanger wont give me my magazine back, and the head display says no magazine even though mine is in there with Cds in, any clue?

3. Air Con dont work, cant hear clicking when press the button and no rev change at tickover, hence would suggest the pump isnt loading, therefore im guessing the electro clutch thingy is nackard on the front of the air con pump? Am I right? and is it a bugger to change?

ta in advance.
1. got good results taking the door seal off and refitting it, mines the 3 door, different arrangement on the 5 door, so be careful, think I recall it's bonded. However, a 6mm hole will give a lasting cure.
2. sounds like no power to the unit. If you reach under the seat, you can undo the 4 bolts and withdraw the whole unit. the manual tells you to take the seat out first, but I fitted mine without unbolting the seat, just had to work upside down.
3. could be a number of things, clutch wont engage if there is insufficient pressure in the system. Also, fuse for the clutch, finally, aircon is always on if the vent controls are in the demist (windscreen) position.

good luck
re cd player, I think there power to it as if i press the eject buttion it does something as I can hear it trying but no eject...any advnce on this?

Looks like 6mm hole to cure door.

Any suggestions how to check the clutch thingy as fuse is ok?
Re the CD player,I presume its the 6 disc Alpine unit.
I had this on mine. If you look in the cassette opening you will probably see
that the cassette is not sitting level.
There are springs at the end of the carrier which on mine,one had come off. You have to take the player out of the car to access these ( 2 bolts) but will probably be able to get to the springs by taking off the the end mounting brackets. A spot of superglue will help to stop em jumping off again.
air con must be used at least 10 minutes per week or the gas will depleat just try and have it regassed
right had an attack of these.
Ive taken the multichanger out, taken the lid off, suddenly it works thanks webley2000!

I now have 2 vent holes in my fishbowl, cant be bothered taking the seal off, looks like it may lead to a life of misery and dispair especially where the glass and door meet, carpet is dry everywhere else its just the cubby box, so vent it is! OH and a de humidifyer from halfords!

Checked the fuse for aircon thats ok, would it be as simple as taking the plug off the clutch and seeing if I'm getting 12v down there?

One other mither, again minor, the interitor light that comes on with the door, (front) the big light works, the two side ones dont, didnt on my last freelander either, bulbs are all ok, so what occuring here then?

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