Whats £50 half a tank not even that! Haha. Its a tricky one, you have been more than fair to him only asking for £50, if you claim his premium will go up by far more than £50. But may affect your premium aswell so is tricky. Id point that out to him over phone say" I've been more than reasonable only asking you to cover the costs for the damage that you have done, i have replaced my land rover bumper with a cheaper aftermarket one saving you! £200. If you dont pay the cost of the bumper i will be forced to go through the insurance and that for sure will increase your premium by more than £50. So save every one the hassle." But if he refuses i wouldnt bother claiming. And invest £50 on a dash cam as i will when i have enough £
I had a similar incident a few years ago where I was ran in the back of I had a bmw 328 sport at the time did quite a bit of damage to mine bumper back panel etc. hardly any damage to his car just the bumper, crafty old codger said I was reversing when I wasn't , anyway after months and months it went 50/50 and I lost all my no claims as there were no witnesses, got my own back though and forwarded a bill for nearly 2000 quid and I got half back,

id chalk it up to experience and let it go
With no witness its he said she said.

He could well counter claim and say she went into him and claim loads against you. £50 walk away and buy a dash cam
I'd be really ****ed off about it but the best option is to take it on the chin and count yourself lucky it only cost you that to fix it. it will definitely cost you more than that in the long run if you get insurance involved.
Leave it a few weeks, then go round to his house in the middle of the night and smash his headlights so he has to pay out some money anyway, it'll make you feel betterer as well.
whats £50 half a tank not even that! Haha. Its a tricky one, you have been more than fair to him only asking for £50, if you claim his premium will go up by far more than £50. But may affect your premium aswell so is tricky. Id point that out to him over phone say" i've been more than reasonable only asking you to cover the costs for the damage that you have done, i have replaced my land rover bumper with a cheaper aftermarket one saving you! £200. If you dont pay the cost of the bumper i will be forced to go through the insurance and that for sure will increase your premium by more than £50. So save every one the hassle." but if he refuses i wouldnt bother claiming. And invest £50 on a dash cam as i will when i have enough £

how dented was the bumper?

Its a landrover, they look good with a few dents and scrapes, i would have saved the money!
Leave it a few weeks, then go round to his house in the middle of the night and smash his headlights so he has to pay out some money anyway, it'll make you feel betterer as well.
Or super glue his door locks, or squirt some expanding foam up his exhaust pipe, or spinkle carpet tacks under each of his tyres, or pour paint stripper over his bonnet, or .......... ;) not that I'm a vindictive bugger.
claim! you were far decent and offered to sort it outside of insurance to save his premiums going up so if he wont pay f**k him
My wife says he was friendly/apologetic at the side of the road but when l rang him later he had changed his tune a bit "how do l know the damage was not there before" he said.

He is stupid and it took one of his friends to point this out to him, at the side of the road he is unprepared, he has now had his friends and family tell him what to do so he probably realises that this could go in his favour. He will also probably be all to aware it would be easy for him to say your wife drove into him.

First thing I would do is record a conversation with him, phone him up in a quiet room and record it on another phone or on a PC etc. Use speaker phone. Phone him up and talk to him calmly, and get him to incriminate himself. Make a list of the points you need to get him to admit, including his name:

Hello is this Mr John Smith (yes)
I am Jim Smith you reversed into my wife
I just want to try and sort this all out (hopefully somewhere he will say the words you need).

Use different tactics, 'You know you reversed into her, why don't you make it easy on yourself?' Hopefully he will make a comment like 'you have no proof it was me'.

I know this would not hold up in a court, but you need to create some ammo you can use in a private fight here.

Once he has dropped himself in it suitably and continued to lie, you then inform him the conversation has been recorded in front of witnesses, you have him identifying himself on tape and admitting he did do it but he is going to try and get away with it and that you have dash cam footage which along with the recording you have now been forced to submit to your insurer.

Did he take your name and registration details? In other words could he commence a counter attack and have his insurance company make a claim from yours?

Are you sure there were no witnesses?

Is there CCTV in the area?
Get an estimate from Land Rover for your damage, then send him the bill with a covering letter pointing out this is the cost of the damage caused by him. Give him two weeks to respond otherwise you will have no alternative other than to take him to the County court which you will hold him responsible for all cost incurred. I don't know what the county court cost these days, it used to be about £50. Even if you send the claim to his insurance company they will do nothing if he hasn't reported it. I had something similar and had to take him to court. I didn't have any witnesses. He produced witnesses which only appeared at court out of the blue. I got full cost.
Good luck. Don't let the bastard get away with it.
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Also say that a witness has come forward to say they saw him reverse. If he asks for details say you will reveal the witness to the insurance company if required but you want to be fair to him and avoid insurance company involvement so "lets sort this"
Get an estimate from Land Rover for your damage, then send him the bill with a covering letter pointing out this is the cost of the damage caused by him. Give him two weeks to respond otherwise you will have no alternative other than to take him to the County court which you will hold him responsible for all cost incurred. I don't know what the county court cost these days, it used to be about £50. Even if you send the claim to his insurance company they will do nothing if he hasn't reported it. I had something similar and had to take him to court. I didn't have any witnesses. He produced witnesses which only appeared at court out of the blue. I got full cost.
Good luck. Don't let the bastard get away with it.
As said forget the insurance and take the driver to the small claims court. Point out they will have to pay your court costs, travel expenses, lost work time, as well as the cost of repairs or they can just pay you the very reasonable £50 you asked for. Small claims court fee is £65 for claims up to £5k. There is no law that says you have to settle via the insurance companies. If you have paid for legal protection on your policy instruct them to start court proceedings. That wont affect your premiums as you are not claiming on insurance and the legal cover is a separate policy. Most full comp policies have this cover as standard.
The money program on radio 4 recently talked about the Claims and Underwriting Exchange CUE. It's a database of claims and potential claims. even if you call your insurance about a possible claim but not go through with it, they may advise CUE and your premiums could go up in the future. They also talked about premiums going up when you don't make a claim, if they found out about something (or someone sells the info) that makes them think your more likely to make a claim, due to info on CUE. Hence insurance claims int always the cheaper option when considering possible premium rises.
Unfortunately with no independent witnesses and this chap stating he is now not at fault the insurance companies will spend ages bouncing the blame about and come up with a 50/50.

The police will only normally investigate if someone involved in the collision suffered an injury, no matter how MINOR.

If an injury occurred the Police should interview all involved under caution, which the insurance companies can request copies of to investigate the claimants.
You got my sympathy here, I would let it go!

I have had two experiences lately where me and my son have been involved in accidents, neither our fault, but you wouldn't believe the lies the ba*****ds came out with.

Took 2 years and 2 court appearances for my son to win his, after 22 months, mine is ongoing after 12month!

Sends me insane, why can't people just admit it if they are wrong, this guy could end up blaming your wife and would probably get away with it.

It's bloody annoying, but don't take the stress!!!
Get yourself a dash cam ... £20 or so in Maplins, I believe ...

there's a fred on here somewhere ...

the video will tell all who need to know - no arguing , no changing statements ...:cool:

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