Begs the question of how you knew? (Searched to see if it had happened to Klumps as he seemed the kind that would enjoy that sort of thing) but came up with nowt.
bloke in the pub was saying only last week . he wur in africa when his laptop slowed right down due to lost of sat. signal. while he was bent over trying to re-locate the sat. this rogue elephant sneeked up behind him and porked his brains out. of the two he said having an elephant in his rear door was just about as bad as having a slow computor
Will leave it to your eloquence, diligence and statesmanship like qualities to inform Hoss Chops that you have the cure for her computer problems. And, with tongue in cheek. is she's "hard up" maybe trade one of her horses??????;)
Rogue Elephant Records

the lastest soft ware for fixing slow compootors

here oss chops stick this in yer floppy slot


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Methinks a certain party is going to deal out severe retribution when these are read, Slob! In fact, I believe the pic shows retribution in progress already! :D


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NOW I HAVE FOOKING PEED MYSELF!!!!!!!! Bloody brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thought for the day - Hell hath no fury like a woman porned (or was it pawned -I can never remember). Must go. Got a flight to catch - not Africa and no laptop.