ah tell you these fooking A/C pumps dint like coming apart. had to dig about in the back of the junk pi....er! tool area for horace the 14lbs hammer then one of the fookin circlips bit me...bastid thing, any road up i finds out that some **** has replaced the original pump with some kinda cheapo after market ****, so me rebuild kit dint fit.. not to worry ah just got a fooked original one and rebuilt that instead.
cheapo aftermarket **** will be appearing at a ebay near you soon.

tommorow will be the great day when i try oot ma noo vaccuuuum pump to evacuate the system then its time fer some noo gas and stuff.. oh and th egrand iunveiling of the noo receiver/dryer.
so after all that i'll have me a pint of leak detector with a black light chaser ya poofy ****
smirk. . ..never worked on a/c pmp ,but could imagine it wood be a reet dog. . .still least ya kept at it slob, let us know end result . . . .you'd better ave that drink fink ya need it. . . .:D
ah suppose your more used to ac/dc pimps rather than ac pumps.. now i need to find a connector to stick me pump onto the system, ave got one somewhere but ah think its gone orf to look fer that circlip that went airborne the other day. ah tell you there must be an easier way to store yer bits rather than in big pile in the corner.
ffs the one and only time ah dint get a price when ordering and th ebastids stiff me fer the compressor oil!!! 20 fooking quid fer a small tin of pag bastid oil.. ****s......... ah hope thurs enough left fer a drink when ah finish redoing the A/C
all quite int ere porky. . . .jist clean the bar up, doop de dum doo da. . .oh wots this that jist fell in ma hands?. . . .bottle er red eye, jist ave er little snifter. . . glug glug, , , ,snort, tendin ta clean bar,, , ,nuffer big swig. . .parp. . . . .ats better;)
Nice to see this place is as busy as ever (he sez parting the cobwebs)......


Sod it, I'll serve mesen....Pint o' mild, an a Bloody Mary for Catz if she comes back in....

(Whistle, Whistle, shuffling of feet..........):p :confused: :(
had er hard day soo, . . . pint er tractor sludge un ploading bush on the rocks barsteward pleeze. . . .:(
Shhhhhhh.......... Dunt wake im up.........

Just "borrowing" the money from the till..........

Fancy leaving the door unlocked!
eeeeee lads am fair done in ah could murder a pint of extremly toxic(and deadly) nato olive drab paint
eeeeee lads am fair done in ah could murder a pint of extremly toxic(and deadly) nato olive drab paint
sorry slob nato paint is orft, left the lid off when painting the loo. . .got special offer ploading bushes ont rocks if ya gasping. . . .
i like it, might change me own soon, my photo taking season is starting next week so the cameras and lenses are all cleaned ready.