
Active Member
Not into wine bars, but here's my intro as a new poster. Have substantially read this forum, and, finally registered as I have found some invaluable advice/knowledge on here. Mucho thanks to all for imparting their wisdom, here's my Freelander experience:-

In a lifechanging/cost cutting excersize I waved goodbye to the TD5 Disco and eventualy got enough pennies together for a TD4 Auto 5door S with towing kit.

Looks pretty and does all I would need in towing (up to 2 tonnes) and hauling boats up the slipway, excellent on wet grass and mud - I don't need a full-on offroader since the horses went with the Mrs and the TD5 !! :eek: :D

Damn fine running vehicle - 30mpg extra urban cycle,
until..... a slight uneven idle resulted in £2,000 of work to replace 1 injector - :eek: :eek:
- smash cam cover, remove head send away for removal of 2 stuck injectors, skim head, pressure test and replace.

Collect from non-franchise dealer/workshop at end of working day, drive home dizzy from the loss of weight in my wallet but pleased with improved running of vehicle.
Halted at rail crossing in dark just before home, and with a sense of Carbon Footpint awareness - switched the engine off to wait for crossing to open after passage of trains.

An hour later the AA turned up to attempt to start the vehicle, couldn't find fault, but I wiggled some wires and she burst into life, waved bye to the very nice man and went home.

From then on I established a pattern over the weekend - would start cold, but not hot. Rang non-franchised repairer and was told to "tap" the underbonnet fuel filter - common problem he mused.

Common my arse - that never did the trick - buggers had damaged the Cam Sensor during the rebuild. Ho-hum.

On the brighter side I scored a full set of 5 x 16" 5 spoke alloys on ebay complete with virtually brand new Michelin 215 tyres for the arm off price of £330.
These replaced the 15" 195's - WHAT A DIFFERENCE !!! handles, corners, rides better and no longer squeels around corners :)

Overall I'm pleased with it, bought her as a late 2000 TD4 with 42,000 miles on the clock and immaculate (yes - 42k !) The other good news is that it quaifies for the standard tax level - vehicles registered from 1st March 2001 (Yplate) attract the £300 pricetag for the TD4 Auto - it's just ONE point over the particulate threshold (the manual is under).

Now developed the subrame click from the offside rear, but with my welding kit and a weekend stripping out the rear I should be able to fix that for no spondulas.

So, there you go, bit of a long intro - eat yer Heart out JK Rowling.
welcome mark.

This is probably the best place to intro urself, as the nub bit is full of kerb crawlers.
the guiness title was alittle misleading, but it did get my attention to wig washers weekly.

At least you have gone for the deezul, but if you had to suffer the loss of the disco, oh yeh and the missus. WTF didnt you get a twactor?
Damn fine running vehicle - 30mpg extra urban cycle

I spent ages trying to decide between a Disco TD5 and a Freelander TD4 when I was looking for a car and I have to admit that it came down to running costs in the end. The better MPG (I get about 39-40mpg on my TD4 manual) and cheaper RFL swung the balance in the end.

Still think that the Disco looks better when I see them about but I am very happy with my TD4!!

Welcome dude!


welcome mark to the sordid gaylander world. . .dunt worry bout the trendy wine bar bit. . . .its er proper boozer, lot er tractor boys use it un they sell the black stuff. . . .so earthling all the best. . .:)

Welcome to the madhouse Mark, Nice choice of motor, I'd have a P38 if it wasn't even less reliable than a 1.8 gaylander, but I'd sooner be on this forum than any other. Say Hello to MHM, Grunt and Slob from me when they abuse you, and I'll have a pint of Mild please.....:p
Say Hello to MHM, Grunt and Slob from me when they abuse you,
Dunno what you mean!!! Any old how Cashy yer big gay poof have you got yer onions up yet? Pulled mine the other night an if I'd left em much longer reckon neck rot would have set in it's that wet.

An hello new larker. Yeah wot Ivor said about Tracters, you'll come to yer senses at some point most of your kind do.
Ayup Grunt,
Only had a couple of onions up to see what they're like,same wit me garlic. Carrots are cracking, peas have been pony, and you know about me King Edwards.You got much in way of brassicas?;)
Don't bother much with brassicas need to spray to often against cabbage white. Carrots have bin chewed to bloody hellers by carrot fly and there Flyaway going to pull em all this weekend while theres something left for me. Only grew early peas so they were more or less finished by the time the crap weather came. Sweetcorn int doing to well though.
Well that was a bigger and better welcome than I expected, best pour another pint o' the black stuff.

I've had 2 Rangies & 2 Disco's in the past.
All been well used up to their midfriffs in Mud - "proper job"

1st Rangie was stolen (just after I'd renewed all the bushes and replaced the tailgate) - watched TV for a month in case it copped up in a ram-raid.

Then had one of the very first Disco Diesels - brand new. Flooded a filling station with diesel when the return pipes shook loose.

2nd Rangie was traded fo the TD5 - should have kept it (for the money) to chop down and offroad trial.

TD5 was superb - best vehicle I have ever owned for the purpose, but had several expensive repairs such as Autobox, diesel pump, airbags.
It was an ex-LR directors car with just 18K on it when purchased.

When the in-tank pump failed - (with 2 dogs on board and a trailer full of large horses hitched up at the rear) - RAC man said he'd never seen one with mud caked all over, as he wound it on the truck.

All in all, I'd have another TD5 rather than a tractor - driving to Scottieland from Kent is no joke in a 110 by comparison, and I don't have a sodden field full of cabbages to peruse.

So, present finances dictated the Gaylander, otherwise I'd have to sell the Harley or the boat.:eek: And I do like a broad range of fun :D :rolleyes:
nuffink wrong wiff gaylander [best in class] not er fender , but not far orft. . . . . .dunt be listnin to the die hards , not much beats er gaylander on road an orft road. . . . .if yer want a real orft roader nuffin but nuffin beats the fender [this is well excepted]. . . . . .spit snort. . .:D
All in all, I'd have another TD5 rather than a tractor - driving to Scottieland from Kent is no joke in a 110 by comparison

I used to regularly drive a 110 from Hertfordshire to Holyhead to catch the ferry to Eire and then drive on to the West Coast (Galway/Limerick) and it was great. Don't have any bad memories just remember it being great fun!!

I'd love a Defender again but they're just too juicy on fuel for my poor little wallet :(

Oh yeah, and my wife said no to one.... :cool:



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