
Spreading Joy & Harmony
Hi, need help getting a winch bumper from Milton Keynes to stafford please or warwick or anywhere near :D
depends how quickly you need it picked up- I'm school uniform shopping in MK but won't be til after payday after 27th - any good or too long ?
depends how quickly you need it picked up- I'm school uniform shopping in MK but won't be til after payday after 27th - any good or too long ?

I shall check with the seller, its fine by me. Unless anyone else can get it quicker or further towards me.. :confused:

Ta petal x
Cock ere :) im in leamington working nights for the imediate future. Happy to help if i can?

Sent from my GT-P6800 using Tapatalk 2
I can get it to Essex, so if you know anyone who travels from Essex or suffolk (i live on the border) to your area I can help.

If not I can keep it safe on my disco :rolleyes:
Mr storm, me and funkykipper are on a training course in MK next friday if thats any good?
Sorted Deasy...thanks for the offer mate. It will be in Leamington tonight...just the last leg up to stafford to sort out!
Many thanks to rebla1 for delivering my winch bumper to Leamington...great job mate.

Hope to help you out one day.

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