
Active Member
I've just realised that every mile I drive only registers as half a mile on the milometers. Is this a common fault and any ideas on how to rectify? Which brings the realisation that my 55000 miler probably isn't but on the bright side I'm only using half the diesel I thought I was :D
Does the speedo show the correct speed?

If so then there's something wrong inside the speedo head most likely. If not then suspect the cable or drive gear inside the transfer box.
I've just realised that every mile I drive only registers as half a mile on the milometers. Is this a common fault and any ideas on how to rectify? Which brings the realisation that my 55000 miler probably isn't but on the bright side I'm only using half the diesel I thought I was :D

Maybe your speedo is using a proxy server?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Does the speedo show the correct speed?

If so then there's something wrong inside the speedo head most likely. If not then suspect the cable or drive gear inside the transfer box.

Thank you Retro yes speedo seems spot on as followed a friend and mph was similar, I take it when you say drive gear it's nothing terminal?
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if the speed is reading ok, it cannot be the cable, or the drive, it can only be a fault inside the speedo/milometer itself.
if it were a cable/drive fault, the speedo would also be reading 1/2
Depends how good you are with precision hand tools.

It's possible to strip the speedo down and repair it yourself. I have done it with one of mine a long while ago and got all the instructions offn tinterweb.
Depends how good you are with precision hand tools.

It's possible to strip the speedo down and repair it yourself. I have done it with one of mine a long while ago and got all the instructions offn tinterweb.

Thank you it sounds like consensus is its the speedo itself I'll defo give it a go I'll just have to get my small tool out!

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