
New Member
wot goes here?
(don't want to just blank off with rivets and a grommet)
na my wolf spare wheels on other side. I'm thinking it's a plug socket of some discription so I've went and asked on a military forum.
External isolator switch, for emergency engine, winch or fuel pump cut off?
its for the A-real or however you want to spell it. seen it on loads of 90's on the M4 over the last few months.

ere muddy, did you put them cleats halfway down the body panel or were they already there???
they wus there. No frikkin idea what they're for though

Oh and I've found out what goes there - it's a "Battery Venting Terminal".

A bloke on a forum even gave us a picture

see it's got them cleats too. And one of mines is the wrong way round
it wouldnae be fir keepin cammo net on (the extra cleats) so it does nae come off , it being a millatry motor

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