
Hi all
Can anyone advise me please how to trace the military service history? I have been told about a "Merlin" report what is that exactly?
Yeah do what BB says.

However it depends on what era, if it's a series then you need to speak to the army logistic museum in aldershot and ask for the 'b card'

If it's 90-110/defender or more recent then foi is the way
Yeah do what BB says.

However it depends on what era, if it's a series then you need to speak to the army logistic museum in aldershot and ask for the 'b card'

If it's 90-110/defender or more recent then foi is the way

Didn't know that. FOI worked OK for my Series but she wasn't released until '98.

Any info would be good and I'll add it to the sticky
Yeah do what BB says.

However it depends on what era, if it's a series then you need to speak to the army logistic museum in aldershot and ask for the 'b card'

If it's 90-110/defender or more recent then foi is the way
Its a Defender 110
It's a bit basic and the codes take a bit of deciphering but it tells you which regiments it was attached to, when and mileage on release, military reg etc
It's a bit basic and the codes take a bit of deciphering but it tells you which regiments it was attached to, when and mileage on release, military reg etc
Just found some reports online that others have requested in the past, as you say a bit basic but the info is there, but it does need some deciphering
Yes I'll give FOI a try and see what they come up with first. I suppose if you pay the £35 and get the RLC to search it they will decipher the code letters / nubers for you

Nope, just a scanned copy of the entry and that's it.

FoI is the way to go for your vehicle, RLC won't have info on your vehicle as its to 'new'
You don't get anything more lol but at least with an FoI you 'feel' like your forcing the army to tell you :D
Yes there is that:)
I put a "request" in. Feel slightly guilty for asking mundane questions of them, I'm sure they must get allot of these kind of requests
Just to update in-case its of interest to others,
I got a reply but was only partly successful, no Merlin report as it seems they don't do that any more.
I did get a list of dates when it was with different regiments but that's about it, I got a reply as follows

"I can confirm that the Ministry of Defence holds information relevant to your request. Unfortunately, the MERLIN database is currently closed as its contents are undergoing archiving, prior to the shut-down of the system itself. Consequently, we’re unable to produce the full MERLIN report but attached is a copy of the information that is available to us".
May seem a daft way but if the history of the vehicle life is based on the Army camp or RAF station You could possible trawl old photos stocks of MT sections. The majority would have been a long term use due to its reliability. Only New models where added to replace damage beyond repair or transferred from another camp or unit. When I was in the Royal Air Force most stock remained along time until SAC Dimblebrain aka Dur or Pilot Officer Gosh wrecked it. As for overseas such Falklands Belize or the combat zones old photos and a search via forces reunited could bring a little history via old recounts. I guess the ones that were damage beyond repair would have been robbed or scrapped. It was no different for Aircrafts when I was a Supplier the spares was robbed and had three grades Serviceable on station Return to Manufacture or Scrap.
The FOI request works and takes 4-6 weeks. I got the basic info about the units who had my wolf. I've tried calling the regimental museums to see if they have any photos which might feature my wolf. Most are very helpful and will try to help. My wolf spent all its service life in Cyprus and regiments came and went handing it on to the next regiment who came on tour to Cyprus. I guess some might have stayed with a regiment and gone from place to place with the regiment.

I would love some in service pictures of my wolf!

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