
New Member
I figured I'd start my build thread for my rover that I've named "Rosie"!


More pics in the link below!

So I bought this from a man in Connecticut and brought it back up to Massachusetts. Some very interesting liberties were taken with the roof, bumper and frankly not very useful rock sliders. However the frame was unexpectedly decent and the motor wasn't seized so for the price I couldn't pass it up.

My first challenge was getting it running. After about a week of chasing the old wiring, I got fed up and swapped out the distributor and coil in favor of an electronic "HEI" ignition. I bough a buick one as its a little less expensive ($500 less) than the one available in the states for rover engines. It was an easy install and started right up after not running in over 3 years!

So far I've been waiting on parts to arrive. I still need to take care of the breaks, some wiring, and a tiny piece of frame on the rear crossmember. I'll be sure to update my progress!

Hello and welcome (again!). Like me, you'd have the weather for glorious open top 101'ing!!! :)
It musty have put a smile on your face when it started up after 3yrs!
Looks like a great project.
Are you Australian living in the US? Cans of Fosters seem to be everywhere :)
Nobody really likes fosters do they, it's what you drink when there's nothing else available!

PS - good looking vehicle, what's it like getting 101 parts out in the US?
Always good to see one of these being given a new lease of life :) You don't see them very often even here so should turn a few heads across the atlantic.

Is that a wide-angle door mirror on the passenger side? Must help visibility somewhat.
Been kind of slow going on the resto. The cold doesn't seem to be cooperative. Here's a couple more pics to hold you over. [emoji16]

Tell me about it. There's more on the way, too. I'm sick of it already

Yeah I bet. Where about in the US are you to get that much snow? We had a little here in the UK on Sunday and a few flakes brings this country to a halt so I don't know how we'd cope with what you get.

Looking forward to the updates on your 101. I'd love one but except for a lottery win, I doubt there will ever be one on my drive!!!

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That's the funny thing, I'm in Massachusetts just south of Boston! This has been a record breaking winter as far as snowfall is concerned. We have more snow in Boston than in Alaska this year :p

On top of that, we just got another 6 inches this afternoon. At least next week it's supposed to be above freezing which should be nice [emoji4]

My 101 may as well have been a lotto win. How I found one, in the U.S., one state over, for $3000 is probably on par with winning the lottery while getting struck by lightning on a crashing plane. I lucked out, but she still needs some work before she's ready to go
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That's the funny thing, I'm in Massachusetts just south of Boston! This has been a record breaking winter as far as snowfall is concerned. We have more snow in Boston than in Alaska this year :p

Blimey, when most people see anything in the UK related to the US they think Florida and sunshine, not that we're stereotypical limeys of course!!!! :eek: Mind you, when I've been in the states and said I was from the UK their reaction was always "oh from London are you"!!! We are a tiny island but there's more to here than London :lol:

My 101 may as well have been a lotto win. How I found one, in the U.S., one state over, for $3000 is probably on par with winning the lottery while getting struck by lightning on a crashing plane.


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