right im saying my say no i dont no who the **** you think you are ratty and where your getting your info yes my name is riffka and yes my tag is named after my old german shepherd who will always be in my heart so you think you are clever by saying that if you want a argument about his fair enough ive always heard that this forum is based around **** taking pricks and youve just prooved it what you dont understand is this could be your biggest down fall you are trying your hardest to try and get our trucks of us for what we all do and you no it if its for 1 mile or 1 metre off piste we all do it we have tryed the nice apologetic route but eh you no what **** off you complete prick get your head out your arse grow up and get over it the more you publicise this the worse of you are you got a 59 supposedly i got slander and the quote i aint a dead dog my just of done it cheers ****
Have you been drinking or smoking crack?
right im saying my say no i dont no who the **** you think you are ratty and where your getting your info yes my name is riffka and yes my tag is named after my old german shepherd who will always be in my heart so you think you are clever by saying that if you want a argument about his fair enough ive always heard that this forum is based around **** taking pricks and youve just prooved it what you dont understand is this could be your biggest down fall you are trying your hardest to try and get our trucks of us for what we all do and you no it if its for 1 mile or 1 metre off piste we all do it we have tryed the nice apologetic route but eh you no what **** off you complete prick get your head out your arse grow up and get over it the more you publicise this the worse of you are you got a 59 supposedly i got slander and the quote i aint a dead dog my just of done it cheers ****

Blimey - did you pause for breath?
John Prescott would be proud of that drivel.
For once...... :your_wrong:

Or to quote one of Treweys finest quotes: 'Why don't you just **** off and die will ya' :D
This has got boring now, no-one has got time for your ramblings.
Until you can come back with a logical and structured argument with some credence, take the hint - **** off!!! :doh::doh::doh::doh:
why dont you shut the **** up if you look back i admitted we was in the wrong about 20 ****ing pages back you ****ing nob but no you couldnt leave it you lot are just dribbling on i dont give a **** mate car truck no matter to me can have fun from both you lot are just dribbling it on and basiccally ruining for your selves ill apologise again for what we did but eh that will give you a chance to slag me of more go for it you dont no me hopefully you never will and believe me i hope you dont meet me i feel its a bit sad that all you can talk about is this dribble jesus most of us have stopped talking about it and got over it but not you lot you got to dribble on about it keep going your digging a hole not me ive admitted it and guess what had no letter yet TOUGH **** BOYS and guess what you wont get a second chance
right im saying my say no i dont no who the **** you think you are ratty and where your getting your info yes my name is riffka and yes my tag is named after my old german shepherd who will always be in my heart so you think you are clever by saying that if you want a argument about his fair enough ive always heard that this forum is based around **** taking pricks and youve just prooved it what you dont understand is this could be your biggest down fall you are trying your hardest to try and get our trucks of us for what we all do and you no it if its for 1 mile or 1 metre off piste we all do it we have tryed the nice apologetic route but eh you no what **** off you complete prick get your head out your arse grow up and get over it the more you publicise this the worse of you are you got a 59 supposedly i got slander and the quote i aint a dead dog my just of done it cheers ****

So you didn't post about you now having my mugshot and reg number in my profile pics then? :doh::D:D:D

I suggest you look at the pm I sent you before you drop YOURSELF in it.;)

why dont you shut the **** up if you look back i admitted we was in the wrong about 20 ****ing pages back you ****ing nob but no you couldnt leave it you lot are just dribbling on i dont give a **** mate car truck no matter to me can have fun from both you lot are just dribbling it on and basiccally ruining for your selves ill apologise again for what we did but eh that will give you a chance to slag me of more go for it you dont no me hopefully you never will and believe me i hope you dont meet me i feel its a bit sad that all you can talk about is this dribble jesus most of us have stopped talking about it and got over it but not you lot you got to dribble on about it keep going your digging a hole not me ive admitted it and guess what had no letter yet TOUGH **** BOYS and guess what you wont get a second chance

I hate threads like this because it shows that there are idiots out there who ignore the route and wander where they please. PEOPLE LIKE YOU.

On a positive note, Any rambler who reads this will hopefully realise that it's the minority who are doing this and not the majority.

I'm sorry you feel that those of us that don't **** it up for others are such horrible people. If you go back to about page 27 you'll see that we had let it drop. Your best mate Terry decided to screw that up so before you moan about us I suggest you have a bitch slapping contest with him.;):p
You know, I just popped in to see if any-one was actually talking about green-laning.....
Oh well.... maybe next time......
im new to l/r and id like to try greelaning any suggestion as to what would be a nice n easy introduction, ive searched posts and the net but cant really find any usefull info
why dont you shut the **** up if you look back i admitted we was in the wrong about 20 ****ing pages back you ****ing nob but no you couldnt leave it you lot are just dribbling on i dont give a **** mate car truck no matter to me can have fun from both you lot are just dribbling it on and basiccally ruining for your selves ill apologise again for what we did but eh that will give you a chance to slag me of more go for it you dont no me hopefully you never will and believe me i hope you dont meet me i feel its a bit sad that all you can talk about is this dribble jesus most of us have stopped talking about it and got over it but not you lot you got to dribble on about it keep going your digging a hole not me ive admitted it and guess what had no letter yet TOUGH **** BOYS and guess what you wont get a second chance
if you dont like this forum why dont you go elsewhere? i for one dont want to read the crap you putting on here

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