Hopefully not for much longer, gave my statement to the police, as well as a couple of pictures taken on my mobile, not brillent, but the orange one comes out well:p

Nice going Miss Dee.:p

Oh, and :welcome2: to landyzone:)
The posts By Paul D & Disco Moneypit hit the nail directly on the head & say what needed to be said. Green lanes need to be treated with respect by all otherwise it'll get to the point were no one can use them but getting the cops involved has just took us one step closer to that point!! The police force dont have the time or funds to be policing "green lanes" all over the country. Instead they'll just shut the lanes altogether that way the police wont be wasting time patrolling green lanes which in comparison to sufaced roads get very little use & the crimes committed on them are very minor.
I aint the dead dog.;):p

With respect Ratty, when I went out laning with Muddywheels, Riffka was the one leading the way / organising the day.

As I have already stated, he had a laptop onto which he had downloaded info from council websites two days prior.

It was Riffkas call to give two lanes a miss when we got to them because of adverse conditions.

It was Rifka who gave the prep talk when we all first met up outlining the GLASS code of conduct, reiterating the need for no litter, no bad driving, close all gates, no arguments with other lane users etc.

It was Rifka who suggested that we didn't do Stanage, but myself and another chap who wanted to do it, (for reasons outlined in my previous post).

It was Rifka who lead the way / acted as pace vehicle for the entire days laning. At a speed which I considered to be suitable to the conditions. Again, as I have already mentioned, it was only on the final lane that I felt this speed to be too high, and that was on the old roman road by the Fox House on the South Yorkshire / Derbyshire border.

Now I cant make any comment about the video that was posted near the begining of this thread, as it has now been removed, but I can comment on what I experianced first hand. What I did experiance was 5 other Land Rovers using lanes in a mannor that I felt comfatable with, (excluding the final lane where I felt the speeds, 20mph, were too high).

I don't know who or what went on at Strata as I wasn't there. I don't know who or what went on in the video as I didn't see it. And if you look through my posting history you will see that there was a long period that I didn't post on here, or muddywheels for that matter as I was working away in some backwater ****hole in China, so had no internet access.

I am in no way defending muddywheels. I am not trying to defend the indefendable miss use of lanes. What I am defending is what I saw and experianced on the day that I went out laning with them. And I feel that my thoughts regarding what I consider to be the proper use of lanes has been made perfectly clear in other posts.

If Rifka has been caught on tape driving like a burk on lanes, then fair enough chaps, let rip at him. If he has not and it has been other users of the muddywheels site, then perhaps it is a bit unfair to tarnish him with the foolhardy and selfish acts of others?
With respect Ratty, when I went out laning with Muddywheels, Riffka was the one leading the way / organising the day.

As I have already stated, he had a laptop onto which he had downloaded info from council websites two days prior.

It was Riffkas call to give two lanes a miss when we got to them because of adverse conditions.

It was Rifka who gave the prep talk when we all first met up outlining the GLASS code of conduct, reiterating the need for no litter, no bad driving, close all gates, no arguments with other lane users etc.

It was Rifka who suggested that we didn't do Stanage, but myself and another chap who wanted to do it, (for reasons outlined in my previous post).

It was Rifka who lead the way / acted as pace vehicle for the entire days laning. At a speed which I considered to be suitable to the conditions. Again, as I have already mentioned, it was only on the final lane that I felt this speed to be too high, and that was on the old roman road by the Fox House on the South Yorkshire / Derbyshire border.

Now I cant make any comment about the video that was posted near the begining of this thread, as it has now been removed, but I can comment on what I experianced first hand. What I did experiance was 5 other Land Rovers using lanes in a mannor that I felt comfatable with, (excluding the final lane where I felt the speeds, 20mph, were too high).

I don't know who or what went on at Strata as I wasn't there. I don't know who or what went on in the video as I didn't see it. And if you look through my posting history you will see that there was a long period that I didn't post on here, or muddywheels for that matter as I was working away in some backwater ****hole in China, so had no internet access.

I am in no way defending muddywheels. I am not trying to defend the indefendable miss use of lanes. What I am defending is what I saw and experianced on the day that I went out laning with them. And I feel that my thoughts regarding what I consider to be the proper use of lanes has been made perfectly clear in other posts.

If Rifka has been caught on tape driving like a burk on lanes, then fair enough chaps, let rip at him. If he has not and it has been other users of the muddywheels site, then perhaps it is a bit unfair to tarnish him with the foolhardy and selfish acts of others?

The fact that he acted responsibly on previous trips is great. Unfortunately he started going downhill and somehow his carefull approach went out the window. His attitude on this thread aswell as other threads on other forums has also not helped his case.
The fact that he acted responsibly on previous trips is great. Unfortunately he started going downhill and somehow his carefull approach went out the window. His attitude on this thread aswell as other threads on other forums has also not helped his case.

Like I said Ratty, I can only mention what I have experianced first hand. I'm sure that you can appriciate that.

If he has been caught acting and driving like a pillock elsewhere, then fair game.
aaw gonads!! thought this was about somone going out laning and hoped i be able to tag along somtime.

s'ok i'll keep tabs on if theres owt happening i'll tag along if poss there's plenty of spare seats if any's needed too;) it's still in standard trim at the mo so dont know what its capable till if try it:D

I aint the dead dog.;):p
right im saying my say no i dont no who the **** you think you are ratty and where your getting your info yes my name is riffka and yes my tag is named after my old german shepherd who will always be in my heart so you think you are clever by saying that if you want a argument about his fair enough ive always heard that this forum is based around **** taking pricks and youve just prooved it what you dont understand is this could be your biggest down fall you are trying your hardest to try and get our trucks of us for what we all do and you no it if its for 1 mile or 1 metre off piste we all do it we have tryed the nice apologetic route but eh you no what **** off you complete prick get your head out your arse grow up and get over it the more you publicise this the worse of you are you got a 59 supposedly i got slander and the quote i aint a dead dog my just of done it cheers ****

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