if you want to meet em go to Mcdonalds (their the one's with the big red shoes,red hair,stripey jumper and spinning bow ties),cars that fall apart is their specialality.
That aint offroading FFS. Thats ploughing. I hope the pricks are really pleased with themselves. A couple more vids like that and we'll ALL get banned from ALL greenlanes.:mad::mad::mad:
if you want to meet em go to Mcdonalds (their the one's with the big red shoes,red hair,stripey jumper and spinning bow ties),cars that fall apart is their specialality.

let me get this right, you're suggesting they are clowns? i see nowt funny they do, been on there site, seen less pricks on a smackheads arm FFS
perhaps they don't feel the need to defend themselves,they are that ignorant:doh: either that or they have had to pawn their communal brain cell to pay for more fuel to rip up greenlanes further afield now they've managed to get tro's put on sections of the viking way
exactly at what point of the video do u guys not like ?? ive done viking way before, well half of it anyways, and its wet, cold, and really muddy, wat wud u like us to do. ?? push our trucks through and replant the grass afterwords ?? if u can think of any other way to get through viking way please pass on this information, u would be a god send to every 1 that goes there. not just us !
exactly at what point of the video do u guys not like ?? ive done viking way before, well half of it anyways, and its wet, cold, and really muddy, wat wud u like us to do. ?? push our trucks through and replant the grass afterwords ?? if u can think of any other way to get through viking way please pass on this information, u would be a god send to every 1 that goes there. not just us !

all your doing is damage, do you not understand the tread lightly concept ?

and simply because others have done it doesnt make it right
If you're trying to get the lanes closed down then carry on the way you are, as that's what will happen.
If a lane's that bad then it shouldn't be driven. Go somewhere with a solid base instead, and then come back after a dry spell to avoid damage.
wat wud u like us to do. ?? push our trucks through and replant the grass

i think after that youtube display you all should push your trucks into a crusher and smoke the grass 'cos if you think thats what green laning is all about then save up and sod off to a pay and play site where you can be plastered and stuck in mud to your hearts content.it's antics like these that make me want to get to wales as soon as possible to do the strata before dumbdumbs like this get it shut down
I am the one who made the video and first off, thank you to the person calling themselves AngryLAndy....your comments only show what type of person you are.
As for you lot, I don't know if I should laugh or cry at the level of total obnoxiousness that you have. how dare you call me a things like a inbred brummie, which is really stupid as I live in Derbyshire.
Its like a school playground with the insults being thrown around. grow up and let people drive where and how they choose, life is too short being being a offroad Nazi, which is what you are doing...
just because you don't like taking your defenders or series near mud and god forbid get it stuck so you might have to you the pristine white tow-rope to get you out, does not mean that other have to follow you like sheep.
The MuddyWheels4x4 was formed for a totally different type of off-roading and the vid reflects that.
I don't like your type of bimbling around the countryside but you don't see me jumping up and down hurling insults everywhere.
and the claim of "we are destroying the countryside" is utter rubbish, we do stay away from lanes that are too far gone to drive them safely and enjoyably, not to mention that the countryside will be here when humans wont be....
We will be at Landrovermax show at the Newark Showground this month and if anybody does have a problem and would like to call me any names then look for a matt black discovery with a orange strip down the side and we can have a nice discussion about it. that does not mean fighting as i am too grown up for that sort of behaviour
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Ooooh fighting talk how sad :pop2:....................................Thats better and a cup of tea and a biscuit.................
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The MuddyWheels4x4 was formed for a totally different type of off-roading and the vid reflects that.

If that's the sort of offroading you want to do then that's fair enough, but greenlanes aren't the place for it. Why don't hire the use of a P&P site instead.
well hello all you sad people of landy zone i think you should take a look through your own gallery befor you start on the muddywheel club i was at strat this weekend with them me and three of my mates just come of strata and a police man in a land rover did stop us asked us where we had been we told him ehe said did you have a nice day out yes wee said ok he said and that was it off we went so before you start to slag a club out you should find out what the club is about (**** the lot of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) oh by the way ban me
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i heard that the forum from muddywheels.com was locked by the powys constabulary to obtain evidence so i do 'ope the last statement is true from terry01......:eek:

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