That makes very little sense.
Even a little childish :rolleyes:
i dumped the last club i was involved with because they were gungho "we go were we want when we want" peeps. Bit like you lot really. I'm sure there are plenty of peeps on here who have ripped up a lane or driven it when it shouldn't have been driven. But unlike you lot. They weren't stupid enough to post the evidence on a public website, for every rambler, greenie & plod, to see.
ok red hand thats the most sensable thing said so far perhaps it was silly to post the picks but there is a right way of saying dont post picks like that and there is a wrong way which is what most of your lot have done
I Must be ****ing thick to keep on with this lot of two faced lying ****s who have never been aggresive on a green lane in all the time they have owend a 4x4

Thats the point, moron. Green lanes aint for ****ing being aggresive on. Thats what pay and play websites are for.
i know what im on about and if u want to bid on a chickens egg then dont bother, cuz they all originated from cowbows from broke back mountain. i hope u understand that !!!! pmsl

is that better for u

what's a cowbow?:confused::eek:
Telling me to **** off when you know you are in the wrong.

You really are a intelligent **** ;) Now i would like fries and a diet coke with that please :)
this has desended into stupid nonsensical posts now.
Lets be clear.
You should not, i reapeat NOT drive lanes in the condition shown in that video.It is ilegal.It will lead to the closure of that lane and fuel reasoning for closing other.Also do not post videos of your self breaking the law.It aint clever.
telling me to **** off when you know you are in the wrong.

You really are a intelligent **** ;) now i would like fries and a diet coke with that please :)
the only thing we done wrong is to post the picks as iv said in preovuse post if you have never been aggresive on a green lane you all ****ing lyers
Ha video removed by user hahaha not before it got ripped though

Did someones conscience kick in i wonder? or a sign of guilt???
the only thing we done wrong is to post the picks as iv said in preovuse post if you have never been aggresive on a green lane you all ****ing lyers

Really? I know for a fact i have never been aggressive or drive a lane that i should not of. :rolleyes:

Btw "lyers" is spelt liars

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