we must learn by our mistakes wot we must not do is constantly get ****ing reminded by a bunch of brain dead ****s that think they have won because you aint where still going we will get bigger ive tried the nice approach you dont listen you just dribble on about the same crap over and over againif the lanes are open we shall do the lanes if we dont some other will do so why should we park up when others are doing them and how the **** do we no that half way down lane its going to get muddy this is uk we aint trekking the amazon with somebody with a white flag in front of us checking if the ground underneath the mud is solid you no on here you talk more **** than ive ever heard you cant proove where we was when we was there and how much we paid for the pleasure free or not free and lets face it if you can youve obviosley been there done the lane and according to you shouldnt of been there so get your facts straight we all no no matter wot you say we wont get a 59 my orange truck will be with me till i kill it not when you decide and if we are having a spelling battle me names RIFFKA not giffka dyxlexic ****
How long is this gonna go on for, tried reading from the start but had enough at page 26!!!!

Ratty, whats the deal with the land warden and access. Looking at an off-road training session based out of Harman Lines for my lads.

As for the thread, its happened, it cant be changed, we all need to learn from it and be prepared to defend our legal access to the ever decreasing number of lanes available in the current climate.
How long is this gonna go on for, tried reading from the start but had enough at page 26!!!!

Ratty, whats the deal with the land warden and access. Looking at an off-road training session based out of Harman Lines for my lads.

As for the thread, its happened, it cant be changed, we all need to learn from it and be prepared to defend our legal access to the ever decreasing number of lanes available in the current climate.

how do you mean training session?

There are lanes you can do and lanes you can't. As per usual the Ordanance survey map shows em. The army book the plains to do exercises. They can book at short notice. Exercises can last from a few minutes to a few weeks. Some lanes have moved and are different from what is on the map. The land warden would rather you follow a lane that is actually there than make a new one where the map says the lane SHOULD be. He aint gonna seize your vehicle if you are 100yds out. If however you are blatantly playing on an sssi or similar than you will get the book thrown at you. There are often spotters hidden away watching whats going on. partly to stop people wondering into a danger area and partly to stop people playing off piste.
Ere Ratty. I dont think the MOD book Salisbury - they own it. Public access is by agreement. They just stop access whenever they want. Showing no access by the flag system. At least, that is my understanding.
we must learn by our mistakes wot we must not do is constantly get ****ing reminded by a bunch of brain dead ****s that think they have won because you aint where still going we will get bigger ive tried the nice approach you dont listen you just dribble on about the same crap over and over againif the lanes are open we shall do the lanes if we dont some other will do so why should we park up when others are doing them and how the **** do we no that half way down lane its going to get muddy this is uk we aint trekking the amazon with somebody with a white flag in front of us checking if the ground underneath the mud is solid you no on here you talk more **** than ive ever heard you cant proove where we was when we was there and how much we paid for the pleasure free or not free and lets face it if you can youve obviosley been there done the lane and according to you shouldnt of been there so get your facts straight we all no no matter wot you say we wont get a 59 my orange truck will be with me till i kill it not when you decide and if we are having a spelling battle me names RIFFKA not giffka dyxlexic ****
Did you say that in one breath?Tit.
Ere Ratty. I dont think the MOD book Salisbury - they own it. Public access is by agreement. They just stop access whenever they want. Showing no access by the flag system. At least, that is my understanding.

Yes they own it. What I mean is that Military units will book a free slot when nobody else is using the part/parts of the plain that they want. They book different parts to different units in the same way hotel rooms would be let out. There could be nothing at all going on on the plain tomorrow if the book was checked today. You get there to find that it was booked last minute. They might just want the iraqi village. they might want the whole surrounding area. Full plain exercises are usually booked well in advance. These as you know, generally last a week or two.
bloody hell! 10 viewers - and on a thread that is a) boring. b) repetative and c) not worth looking at after post 50.
Originally Posted by riffka
we must learn by our mistakes wot we must not do is constantly get ****ing reminded by a bunch of brain dead ****s that think they have won because you aint where still going we will get bigger ive tried the nice approach you dont listen you just dribble on about the same crap over and over againif the lanes are open we shall do the lanes if we dont some other will do so why should we park up when others are doing them and how the **** do we no that half way down lane its going to get muddy this is uk we aint trekking the amazon with somebody with a white flag in front of us checking if the ground underneath the mud is solid you no on here you talk more **** than ive ever heard you cant proove where we was when we was there and how much we paid for the pleasure free or not free and lets face it if you can youve obviosley been there done the lane and according to you shouldnt of been there so get your facts straight we all no no matter wot you say we wont get a 59 my orange truck will be with me till i kill it not when you decide and if we are having a spelling battle me names RIFFKA not giffka dyxlexic ****

Are you and Terry split personalities of the same person? You don't both post at the same time and you both have more mood swings than my missus does on rag week.

I will put this in plain English so that you and me CLEARLY understand each other.


Before you think it might be a one off fecking fluke and that my phsycic powers might be intermittent........'discoveryoffroad' might just live at number 12.:eek::eek::eek:

he might even use discoveryoffroad as his ebay name. That'll stop people buying his crap now wont it.

So again Rif-raf....... Still wanna carry on playing or do you wanna pass?:p:p:p

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