i likes everyone that doesnt have a big bottom lip,sulks,is hormonal,knows everything and has people skills !
As you can see by the way we speak to each other we are a generally sarcastic bunch. We like to assist each other with technical knowledge coupled with a large dose of **** taking.;)

Really? I would never have guessed!;) you mean you dint mean those comments - oh, thats alrite then.:D
really? I would never have guessed!;) you mean you dint mean those comments - oh, thats alrite then.:d

morning sage.:)

has the nice nurse been to give you your medicine yet?


i dont think you come into that list...but if i add pensioner winder upper you'd be on this list :D:D:Dsnigger:D:D:D

I don't have a problem with pensioners. They are just recycled teenagers.

that sleep and dribble lots:p
As said before you thick ****, that is sailsbury plain. If you have no idea where it is done or the "rules of the place" it was done at i suggest you **** off and grow a brain cell.

Is he up to his axels in mud? No
Is he using a winch on a greenlane? No
He is churning it up? No
Was the ground underneath mainly rock? Yes

I could go on but you are not worth my time and effort.
I don't really want to carry this on but please do not be hipercrits wot we done in your eyes was wrong as i said before we should not of posted the pick yep your right about that but this is getting out of hand but please don't pretend that none of you haven't done some thing like wot we done perhaps a hand full of you stick to the rules as they should be but that is a hand full as for the videos on photo bucket that was salisbury plane so wot was the problem there one of you members calling people tw**s and c***s

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