
Assist needed here in South France. Came on Holiday without the LR. But owner of vacation houses needs a nanocom readout and has a few issues. Being a new Disco2 owner, no clue on the items coming up.

Will post on Disco forum as well for the specifics, as I'm not familiar with the auto.

He has the S+M lights at startup, and has to start in Neutral.

Anyone closeby?

Estadens, France.
Thanks, I've passed it on! Overall not that far, only wrong general direction for the guy.

I'll introduce him to the forum to learn a few things about his Landy!
What are the odds the fault codes will point in the direction of the XYZ switch? Plenty of info on this site a quick search will reveal and as there are various other issues, such as corroded wiring harness connectors, which can cause the problem. Hope he gets it sorted quickly and as painlessly as possible.

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