
Well-Known Member
Anyone seen details or know of the above has been done to a 1.8k F1?

Just a thought! Low mileage engines are not a bad price, hg seems to have been solved and turbo would be useful. Wonder if it fits without taking air con out, that is the Rover 1.8T disadvantage.
About 9 years ago IIRC, I was reading an article in LRM about someone in Fife who had done this conversion, I'l try and dig up some detals for you.
That's what I believed, but I wasn't certain, so I did some googling and seemingly, in simple terms yes the MG 6 engine is indeed an evolution of the K series. Where it gets mirky how evolved it is and who led the evolution of it. The MG 6 has the 1.8 TCi engine, which is what some say in rover parlance would be known as the N series. Others say the N series is a different development branch of the K series, led by mirky, and the 1.8TCi is the "Kavachi" by SAIC/Recardo. Simply put, you're going to have to do some googling and forum prowling to see exactly what the 1.8TCi is, but it is indeed decende from the 1.8K series.
All the fast ones have carbon M-Sport snorkels:D
Thanks Warren, have you got details written up anywhere please?
Was there enough room to leave air con in?
What did you do about ecu and turbo management?
Has the 'N series' as it has been called overcome any K series deficiencies?

Thanks Warren, have you got details written up anywhere please?
Was there enough room to leave air con in?
What did you do about ecu and turbo management?

Has the 'N series' as it has been called overcome any K series deficiencies?

Yes you can leave the ac on. Need to remove one fan and shift radiator position slightly. Freelander ecu remapped by k maps. Block head and Turbo mg6 everything else is Freelander other than map and injectors from rover 75t. Need uprated fuel pump and pressure regulator. Everything about the engine does appear better but it does vary depending on who you talk too. It’s the SAIC engine. Which is technically different to the N series but not really in any real terms if that makes sense. Apparently they had no head gasket failures in the warranty period.
I’ve done an mg6 conversion. There’s a fe differences between that and a k series but nothing major.
Did anyone here do an MG6 to Freelander non turbo? I’m using an MG6 block and will mate that to a Freelander 1.8 cylinder head, it’ll be non turbo, I’m just using the mg6 block. Di you know anyone who’s done this before and what was the outcome? Did they have to do anything to their ecu? We’re there issues with the coolant in the Freelander as the Mg6 draws 118kw of power compared to the Freelanders 88?


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Did anyone here do an MG6 to Freelander non turbo? I’m using an MG6 block and will mate that to a Freelander 1.8 cylinder head, it’ll be non turbo, I’m just using the mg6 block. Di you know anyone who’s done this before and what was the outcome? Did they have to do anything to their ecu? We’re there issues with the coolant in the Freelander as the Mg6 draws 118kw of power compared to the Freelanders 88?
I can't see the point in using just the block, as the head is responsible for HG failure.
It’s an as new head, not warped not gone soft following overheating etc, it’s nice and flat.
So if you have a new head, what are you trying to achieve by changing the block? Is your block faulty, with the liners flush or below the deck height?
I used the mg6 head it’s meant to be better quality. Apparently zero head gaskets in warranty period.

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