
New Member
Can anyone tell me if there is a reset button on the display as the tape got stuck when ejecting and now the screen has gone off and its stuck on radio 4 I think.None of the buttons are working apart from the volume .there is a red cross which lights up now and again next to the right hand knob.Any help please.thanks
Can anyone tell me if there is a reset button on the display as the tape got stuck when ejecting and now the screen has gone off and its stuck on radio 4 I think.None of the buttons are working apart from the volume .there is a red cross which lights up now and again next to the right hand knob.Any help please.thanks

The red cross means that you have AUX Ventilation enabled its not a problem, its just letting you know that the system has been enabled. Sorry to hear about your problem with the tape, there is no 'reset' buttons on the screen, sounds more like a mechanical failure.

thanks for that although I have no idea what aux ventilation does even reading the online manuel you can download is hard to understang.
On a positive note after leaving the car alone for a few hours it all seemed to sort it self out and came back on as normal ,I dont think I will play anymore tapes just to be on the safe side.

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