
Active Member
(P38 DHSE Auto)
I changed the rear propshaft UJ's at the weekend and all seemed to go very well.
Put the prop back on and took her for a drive. All seemed ok for about 10-15 miles then at low speed I could here a metallic sounding rattle. I pulled over and had a good look underneath but couldn't see anything loose. Gave the vehicle a good shake and nothing seemed to be rattling or loose.
Changed my route home so I could take some back roads and drive slowly and the noise is quite apparent at low speeds but seems to disappear at high speed (possibly drowned out by wind noise). I tried coasting with the vehicle in neutral and the noise was still there. Other than the noise the vehicle seems to be driving fine, when I got home I tried low box and that all seemed ok so I'm at bit of a loss.
It sounds like a coin going round in the washing machine if that helps!

Any suggestions greatly received,

I would probably take off my propshaft again and double check that the joints are nice and free and not notchy.
Its not difficult to dislodge a needle roller when fitting a u/joint and it cause damage to the joint when driven.
If it was not there before and it is now. It has to be something you have done or more likely not done properly. Recheck everything you touched.
thanks for the replies gents,
I've taken the prop off again and can't see anything that would have been causing the rattle. The only thing I have noted is that there is a circular mark on the flange of the prop that faces up to the hand brake drum that I presume should have lined up with the large recessed screw that helps hold the drum on. When I put the prop on the first time this had been lined up the same but I can't see how this would have a caused the rattle as the screw is recessed.

Could I cause any damage if I drive the P38 with the rear prop shaft taken off, just to see if it eliminates the problem?


Took the front prop off and found the UJ nearest to the gearbox to be almost seized solid.
Ended up dropping both prop shaft's into my local independent and had them fit 3 new UJ'S. The mechanic who did them for me said the one I had previously replaced had dropped one of the needle bearings and that was what was causing the joint to be a bit tight. They stripped the old UJ's out fitted heavy duty GKN's and put it all back together for £84.00 inc vat which I didn't think was to bad.
Anyway, Glad to report both props are back on the vehicle and after an inital test drive all seems well.
Just another job on P38 the completed,


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