had some chav in a supra doing that down the back of my flats nr carpet ware house late last night.
In no way did i get out the possibly illegal laser pointer to **** him off!No sir!
Isit just my stupid work PC or is there something wrong with the aspect ratio on those vids?
better than staying in and being a boring old F*cker though aint it?

Yeah, the aspect got messed up when i exported them off of my camera for some reason, although they come out fine on the software supplied with it. weird.
wasn't until i watched your vid


So why did you see the title, then watch the vids? must have known they were gunna be boring? or am i missing something?

it was good fun, and i suppose you had to be there to enjoy it.....

i could have stayed in, watched eastenders then went to bed, but a few mates and i decided to go make use of the empty streets, so thats whatwe did, had a LAUGH.

So why did you see the title, then watch the vids? must have known they were gunna be boring? or am i missing something?

it was good fun, and i suppose you had to be there to enjoy it.....

i could have stayed in, watched eastenders then went to bed, but a few mates and i decided to go make use of the empty streets, so thats whatwe did, had a LAUGH.

i said "vid"

global warming , the scientists exscuse when they can not work something out .

ITS BECASUE OF GLOBAL WARMING , better to say that then say we dont know why
oh dear.... Your are obviously quite the timid type. I'll leave you to your TV and hot cup of cocoa. Thanks for your comments.
the sound track is good, screen play is a bit maccyd's car park-esq.
That better?
the sound track is good, screen play is a bit maccyd's car park-esq.
That better?

almost.Im just missing the McDonalds Trays and 15 year old slags in my car, then i'll be there.

dont forget though, i have 22" rims, so its almost a chelsea tractor ;)

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