I'd just like to share my condolences as well, I used to talk to Marc nearly daily on the IRC channel or through telegram. Even though he was younger than myself, he taught me so much and for that I'm thankful. I never met Marc but I counted him as a friend and he was always willing to inform you of the correct way of doing something.

He always used to make people laugh, from him ribbing me about driving a 'dirty diesel', to him constantly informing some other friends that they should 'install a massive turbo'. Even now when I use brake cleaner I still think about Marc going on about 'cleaning it properly' and getting 'triggered' if he saw any corrosion.

All I can say is, he will be missed.
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Hi folks, The family and I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and thoughts. I will get round to answering each post but I'm not quite ready for that. As part of the 'Scrapbook' that we are putting together every post and comment will be collected and saved. Should anyone feel that they would prefer not to be included please let me know. Nothing will be taken that could be used to identify you in any way and we would not be upset or offended should you chose not to be included.

Hi Tim,hope you and your family are coping as well as possible under the most difficult circumstances.Thank you for taking the time to post on here . Speaking for myself ,and I think many will agree, replies to individuals would be very welcome and appreciated,however , I'm equally sure no one would expect you to exhaust yourself with all that work at a time like this.All the best, take care Joe
Crikey , just read this ...... I'm shocked, my sincere condolences for your sad loss
Thank you all so much for your kind words.
I thought I would let you know, Marc was carried in by his friends and neighbours all wearing overalls and was celebrated with a serious amount of photo's many with him on, under or welding something somewhere to a soundtrack of Judas Priest, Metallica, Pink Floyd and Motorhead.

Hope the video will play

Thank for sharing the video Tim but the privacy settings are set so we can't see it, don't worry about it. I'm glad that Marc had the send off he would have wanted.
Where to even start....:(

I never knew Marc, but he sounds like the sort of fella I'd have got along famously with.

Cannot even begin to comprehend the emotions you as a family must be feeling, but my thoughts are with you all.

Sleep tight Marc, but carry on jammin' my friend.
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