
New Member
Recently bought a Land rover Series 3 109 pickup off eBay and hope to get a few small jobs sorted out on my Crimbo holidays!:)

I absolutely love it!!:D

May be back later for a bit of advice if I get stuck!:eek:


  • 331d_3.jpg
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How much you pay???? And welcome from Spain

Before I tell you that, I must make it clear that I have been watching and bidding on Ebay for about six months now until the right motor at the right price came along.:)
I would have preferred a tax exempt model but at £366.00 with 8 months test, I'm not complaining.:D
I got the train to the vendors place as quickly as I could (In case he changed his mind about selling!:eek: ) and I drove it back 140 miles without any problems!
Few minor things to sort like mirrors, dodgy guage readings and door lock but the
bulkhead and chassis are superb and engines running a lot better after a few tweeks.
Looking forward to the Summer with the cab off, but it's earning it's keep just now by toting manure, logs for my wood burning stove and wooden boards to my allotment!

In a nutshell I LOVE IT!:D
Before I tell you that, I must make it clear that I have been watching and bidding on Ebay for about six months now until the right motor at the right price came along.:)
I would have preferred a tax exempt model but at £366.00 with 8 months test, I'm not complaining.:D
I got the train to the vendors place as quickly as I could (In case he changed his mind about selling!:eek: ) and I drove it back 140 miles without any problems!
Few minor things to sort like mirrors, dodgy guage readings and door lock but the
bulkhead and chassis are superb and engines running a lot better after a few tweeks.
Looking forward to the Summer with the cab off, but it's earning it's keep just now by toting manure, logs for my wood burning stove and wooden boards to my allotment!

In a nutshell I LOVE IT!:D
Well done mate a real Bargain.....ya done good me thinks, and i know what you mean about ebay...thats the only way to shop..know your price and just keep doing it now...

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