Did some one mention firemen???!


Um... fergottid what I wer gonna say now...:eek:

Oh yeah.. Bin wurking so haven't had a chance to have a propper look at it yet. Am off monday/tuesday so will ave a tinker then.:)
Can't be arsed to read all the fred but if you've got a Lucas alternator you can buy the diode pack bit fer 20 odd quid can't remember if Floppy found somewhere on tinterwebthing cheaper. Yoool need to get a competent electrician to solder it on for yer though.
I fergot to tell yer, Mondo found a load o wires under the bonnet that were propa savaged. They come out of their clip and had rubbed against the engine. They wer shorting out and he reckons am lucky me Landy din't catch fire..:eek: They wer all the wires to me oil and battery light.:rolleyes: Still. That problems sorted fer now..! Got bigger problems to sort next.:mad:
I fergot to tell yer, Mondo found a load o wires under the bonnet that were propa savaged. They come out of their clip and had rubbed against the engine. They wer shorting out and he reckons am lucky me Landy din't catch fire..:eek: They wer all the wires to me oil and battery light.:rolleyes: Still. That problems sorted fer now..! Got bigger problems to sort next.:mad:

just as well you've gorra fire extinguisher
just as well you've gorra fire extinguisher

I have n'orl. A fookin close shave it wer!! I cud hear the 'crackling' fer ages. Sounded like someone was 'welding' under the bonnet as I was driving along..:eek: Still, another lesson learnt!
I have n'orl. A fookin close shave it wer!! I cud hear the 'crackling' fer ages. Sounded like someone was 'welding' under the bonnet as I was driving along..:eek: Still, another lesson learnt!

everyone should av one - av seen plenty of vehicles that were totally burnt out that could have been saved by a quick squirt of foam from a £20 extinguisher

just got yer HG to sort now :)
everyone should av one - av seen plenty of vehicles that were totally burnt out that could have been saved by a quick squirt of foam from a £20 extinguisher

just got yer HG to sort now :)

Aye Sean, yer rite on both counts. Wint be without me fire extinguisher. Speshly now.
HG wint tek Mondo long to fix. Wer probly him tha fooked it anyway..:D

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